Red Sox
A major cause of the rapid growth of industry was the A. development of new inventions B. growth of labor unions C. end of the Civil War D. granting of Civil Rights to African Americans
What is A. Development of new inventions
African American rights in Southern states were restricted by A. economic conditions B. the Fourteenth Amendment C. Jim Crow laws D. new immigrants
What is C. Jim Crow laws
African Americans in the South faced violence from A. the NAACP B. the Ku Klux Klan C. Tammany Hall D. white union leaders
What is B. the Ku Klux Klan
The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson is best summarized by which of the following? A. supported segregation B. ended segregation C. repealed Jim Crow laws D. gave voting rights to African Americans
What is A. supported segregation
A corporation is a business owned by A. an illegal gang B. shareholders C. many separate companies D. the government
What is B. shareholders
The main reason people moved to cities in the late 1800s was to A. escape segregation B. find jobs C. improve their education D. locate better land for farming
What is B. find jobs
True or False: Horatio Alger worked with inventor Thomas Edison and played a key role in improving electrical lighting
What is False, Lewis Latimer
Political machines in the early 1900s are known for A. destroying cities B. replacing political parties C. excluding immigrants D. corruption, but good works
What is D. corruption, but good works
True or False: After three of her friends were lynched in 1892, Sarah Delaney mounted an anti-lynching campaign in her newspaper
What is False, Ida B. Wells
After 1900, the new immigrants came mainly from A. eastern and southern Europe B. Asia C. western Europe D. northern Europe
What is A. eastern and southern Europe
In the late 1800s, laborers A. could not find jobs B. worked an eight-hour day C. received average weekly wages of $100 D. faced unsafe and unhealthy working conditions
What is D. faced unsafe and unhealthy working conditions
Samuel Gompers was a labor leader who A. founded the Knights of Labor B. headed the American Railway Union C. founded the American Federation of Labor D. organized the protest that led to the Haymarket Affair
What is C. founded the American Federation of Labor
The Gilded Age is best described as a time of A. prosperity for all B. fun and entertainment C. gold booms D. the rich getting richer
What is D. the rich getting richer
Early strikes, such as the Homestead Strike, often resulted in A. violence against workers B. pay raises for workers C. better working conditions D. the closing of sweatshops
What is A. violence against workers
Young children often worked in factories because A. there were few schools in the cities B. they wanted to learn new skills C. their families needed the money that they made D. there was no one to care for them at home
What is C. their families needed the money that they made
Many native-born American factory workers feared that new immigrants would A. buy the factories B. avoid factory work C. slow factory production D. take factory jobs
What is D. take factory jobs
True or False: John D. Rockefeller became known as a robber baron for the methods he used to form the Standard Oil Trust
What is True
Labor unions frightened business owners because they A. took control of production in factories B. threatened business leaders' profits C. included many African-American and Chinese workers D. Had foreign political beliefs
What is B. Threatened business leaders' profits
True or False: In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that "separate but equal" facilities did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment
What is True
Which of the following best describes Jane Addams? A. An African American journalist who worked to outlaw lynching B. A labor leader who organized meetings and helped strikers C. The founder of Hull House, a settlement house that gave aid to immigrants and the poor D. An inventor who developed machines for the shoe making industry
What is C. The founder of Hull House, a settlement house that gave aid to immigrants and the poor
The development of the Bessemer process was important because it A. made a safe, steady light bulb possible B. allowed more people to connect to a telephone network C. opened jobs for women D. significantly cut the cost of steel
What is D. Significantly cut the cost of steel
The African American leader who proposed a compromise on segregation was A. Ida B. Wells B. W.E.B. Du Bois C. Booker T. Washington D. Homer Plessy
What is C. Booker T. Washington
+ 1000
African American leader W.E.B. Du Bois A. founded the Tuskegee Institute B. wrote Lynch Law in Georgia C. proposed the Atlanta Compromise D. helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
What is D. Helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
A robber baron would form a trust in order to A. increase philanthropy B. break the unions C. end competition D. create a corporation
What is C. end competition