Going Out West
Presidential Plans
Brrrrrr. Do you feel the chill?
Time for Change

This animal is a cornerstone of Native American culture whose population was destroyed by government sponsored hunts.

What is the bison/buffalo?


During the Great Depression this President implemented a series of government programs that were designed to get people back to work and back on their feet.

Who is FDR?


This event is what caused the US to join in WWII.

What is the attack on Pearl Harbor?


The two superpowers that were arch enemies during the Cold War.

Who are the US and the USSR?


Many people in the south protested and fought for the end of these segregation laws.

What are Jim Crow Laws?


This new technology lead to heated competitions between companies, the loss of Native land, and the disruption of Los Gorras Blancas.

What is the railroad?


Reducing poverty was the goal of President Johnson's Great Society. Civil Rights leaders like MLK argued that this conflict was taking away too much money for the dream of the Great Society to become reality.

What is the Vietnam War?


The alliance between the US, Great Britain and the USSR. And no, it was not the most creative of names.

Who are the Allies?


The US' foreign policy in response to the threat of the spread of communism throughout the world.

What is containment?


The 19th Amendment was passed in 1920 finally giving this group the right to vote.

Who are women?


Railroad companies relied on the labor of this group to build the railroad and do the most dangerous jobs. Many white Americans resented their presence which lead to the government restricting immigration from their nation.

Who are the Chinese?


This was the name of the hotel where Nixon approved a break-in to steal Democratic Party information and to plant wire taps. Nixon's denial and cover up would lead to his resignation.

What is Watergate?


From 1939 to 1941, the US was not interested in fighting in WWII. Many described the foreign policy as this.

What is isolationism?


Oink! Oink! This is the name of failed invasion of Cuba which the US hoped would lead to the overthrow of Fidel Castro.

What is the Bay of Pigs Invasion?


During WWI, the rapidly changing technology paired with traditional tactics lead to this style of warfare that lead to little progress on the battlefield.

What is trench warfare?


This is the process Native American children were forced to do at Indian Boarding Schools. Children had to change their names, cut their hair, and were forbidden to see their families.  

What is assimilation?


This President is responsible for US involvement in WWI, the League of Nations, and for segregating the federal government and military.

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


People of Japanese descent, often American citizens, were sent to these places once the United States entered WWII out of fear of spying and sabotage.  No cases were ever reported.

What are internment camps?


He is the president that coined the phrase "limited warfare" in the Vietnam War. He would not live to see the unlimited power his position would soon yield.

Who is President JFK?


This is the name of the group that fought for societal changes in late 1800s and early 1900s.

Who are the Progressives?


This was the belief that the United States was destined to control land from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast.

What is manifest destiny?


Bonjour! This is the French name associated with President Hoover's approach to the Great Depression. The people certainly took matters into their own hands when naming shantytowns "Hooverville" as a result of his lack of action.

What is laissez faire?


This is the name of the invasion of Northern France at Normandy in WWII, which would end up being a turning point in the War in Europe.

What is D-Day?


This is the name of the satellite the USSR launched into orbit as the US watched from Earth as the Soviets pulled away in the space race.

What is Sputnik?


Oh, well that's cool. She is the leader of the anti-lynching movement and one of the founders of the NAACP.  Mr. Kerg referred to her as a bad*** with a gun.

Who is Ida B. Wells?
