Geography and Maps
US Non-Presidential Politicians
Indigenous America
20th Century
American Society

What is the name of this river?

The Mississippi River


This person is responsible for the creation of the US National Bank. They were shot and killed by Aaron Burr, and have left a legacy so great that they even have a popular musical written about them.

Alexander Hamilton


Made of Five Tribes originally; the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. After 1712, the Tuscarora Tribe joined the Federation. Give either the name of the original Federation, or the name of the six tribe federation.





In 1960, the great American author, Harper Lee published this book - becoming an American classic and a standard of pro-critical thinking literature. The book criticized the American South in particular for its history of racism and prejudice. 

Main characters: Boo Radley, Scout and Atticus Finch

To Kill A Mockingbird


Despite being a Federalist himself, this widely respected and legendary American founding father warned against politicization and the creation of political parties. His warning went unheeded, and thus we still have political parties today. (And very polarized ones at that)

George Washington


This is a historical map of a battle plan that turned the tides of war against our enemies. Using context clues from the map, what battle/invasion plan is this?

Hint: Largest naval invasion in human history.

Invasion of Normandy/D-Day


Founding father. Diplomat. Scientist. Inventor. Philosopher. Most famous for helping draft the Declaration of Independence, and being a US diplomat to France during the Revolutionary War alongside Thomas Jefferson.

You can find him on the US $100 bill.

Benjamin Franklin


Leader and forming member of the Triple Alliance against Teotihuacan. This empire used Jaguar and Eagle Warriors. They were known for their legendary "floating city" with floating gardens and agriculture. Their capital city is Tenochtitlan. Conquered by the Spanish and became the foundations of New Spain. 

Aztec Empire


This is the closest the world ever came to unrestricted nuclear war during the Cold War between the USA and the USSR. Thankfully, due to the efforts of President John F. Kennedy, and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, the "Crisis" was defused as both sides withdrew their "Missiles" from adjacent territories.

Cuban Missile Crisis


Without debate, when the Union was divided the most, this US President brought the nation back together by any means necessary and is celebrated as a hero across the US.

Abraham Lincoln


This region is known as the _______ Belt. This nickname was acquired through the amount of abandoned factories and metalworking plants following the 1950s.

The "RUST" Belt


Was Chief Executive of the American occupation of Japan following World War II. He got there as a result of his military command position as a Five Star General, and considered one of America's best commanders. He worked under the Harry Truman administration and had an infamously rocky relationship with him. Suggested nuking communist Asian nations before communism could spread at beginning of Cold War. Tried running for president in 1952, but had such a rocky start, he withdrew his campaign.

Douglas MacArthur


This Ancient Indigenous American civilization suddenly went missing with no solid-proven reason for their disappearance. Known for their architecture, and advancements in astrology and governing. Made up of multiple small city states in the Mesoamerican, Caribbean, and Yucatan regions. 

The Mayan Civilization


As a prototype model for the United Nations, this international system of resolving crisis and mutual cooperation was created following WWI following the suggestion of the United States. It was outlined by President Woodrow Wilson's 14 points. Almost every other major power on the side of the Entente scoffed and laughed at Wilson's proposal but went along with it anyway and joined this system of international diplomacy. 

The League of Nations


In what year did inter-racial marriage become legalized? (Closest Answer Wins the Point)

Alternatively, whoever can name the court case that legalized it federally wins a point instantly. 


Loving v. Virginia

(The ruling was 9-0 in favor of the married couple!)


What is this monument called? And what state is it in?

South Dakota


Abolitionist, social-reformer, orator, and writer. This politician/early-activist was the most important African American civil rights leader of the 19th century. Moreover, he was the first free black man to enter the white house and have dinner with the President. The President that invited him a total of three times, was Abraham Lincoln. 

Frederick Douglass


Native American group of peoples known to have built towns and cities in the sides of cliffs. Originally were hunter-gatherers that hunted Bison and other animals, but evolved into more agriculturally based societies. Based/located in modern day South-West USA. 

The Pueblo People


What is the context of this international disaster? (Just tell me what it is called)

The Hindenburg Disaster


While not a founding member of the FBI, this man would make himself and his bureau infamous for meddling in political scandals, blackmailing, threatening Civil Rights leaders, and stoking the fires of the Red Scare.

His abuse of power led to Congress placing a 10-year limit on his position being the Director of the FBI.

J. Edgar Hoover


This proposed/failed Mormon nation attempted to form based on religious and geographic grounds. The proposed borders are shown above. 

What is the name of this proposed-nation?


Which state did this proposed nation lay the foundations for?





Feminist writer and activist. This woman was the first woman ever to run for the House of Representative despite not being able to legally vote for herself. She was the face of feminism for the mid to late 19th century, and was the first in the world to formulate and organized movement and demand for women's suffrage. Good friends with Susan B. Anthony.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton


In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue... When he landed on what is modern day San Salvador of the Bahamas, the first indigenous American contact that he made was with the ____________.

Hint: The descendants of this tribe/people make up a sizeable portion of the population of USA's island of Puerto Rico.

Taino Tribe


Key leader for the American part of the global Pan-African movement and civil rights activist. He grew up in the Bronx, he would use the name Kwame Ture as his natural name as he believed that his birth name was a result of European cultural colonization. He is the originator of the slogan that is still echoed to this day: "Black Power!" By the mid-1960s, his messaging became more radical and militant. He was famously the leader of the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), and had direct links to the Black Panther Party.

Stokely Carmichael


This famous black boxer, and WWE Hall of Famer, was known as the "People's Champ." This was in reference to his populist and Pan-Africanism beliefs. He was a follower of Elijah Muhammad, and thus a member of the Nation of Islam (which today is considered a terrorist group following their assassination of Malcolm X).

Muhammad Ali
