US History
US History
US History
US History
US History

The great loyalty that many Americans had to their "section" or region of the country rather than the country as a whole/

What is Sectionalism?


This was the first battle of the Civil War, on April 12th, 1861.

What is Fort Sumter?


This organization was created after the Civil War to help recently freedmen adjust to freedom.

What is the Freedmen's Bureau?


This Civil War battle was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War?

What is the Battle of Antietam?


This person was the president of the Confederate States of America.

Who is Jefferson Davis?


This type of government/economic system has no private property. 

What is communism?


Religious persecutions, prejudice, war, drought, or poverty can all be this kind of reason to leave an area/

What is a push factor?


This bloody event was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska act that allowed states to decide if they were free- or slave-states based on popular sovereignty. 

What is Bleeding Kansas?

Sharecropping, Tennent Farming, and Debt Peonage kept this group of people in a endless cycle of debt after the Civil War.

Who is recently freed slaves?


African Americans wo fought in the West during the Indian Wars

Who are Buffalo Soldiers?


This person increased the tourism of Florida as he built a railroads from Jacksonville to Key West.

Who is Henry Flagler?


This battle in the Indian Wars resulted in a win for the Sioux. 

What is the Battle of Little Bighorn?


This battle of the Indian Wars resulted in the massacre of 200 Sioux Indians.

What is the Battle of Wounded Knee?

This person was one of the most famous political machine bosses of Tammany Hall in New York City

Who is William "Boss" Tweed?


This is a tax on a foreign good to protect American manufacturing. 

What is a tariff?


This is an organization, usually controlled by a 'boss', that gets citizens to vote for its candidates on election day for exchange of political favors. 

What is a political machine?

Homesteaders in the West faced many problems. Name some of the problems and solutions. 

1. Remoteness to markets - railroads 

2. Lack of wood for fencing - barbed wire 

3. Lack of rainfall - irrigation systems 

4. Tough, dry soil - steel plows 

5. Lack of fuel - buffalo chips 

6. Lack of manpower - Oxes


Under this system, tools, factories, and other means of production are privately owned. Economy is based on supply and demand.

What is capitalism?


When one owner controls all companies and facilities at ONE STAGE of production.

What is horizontal integration?


This person created the AFL, the American Federation of Labor, a labor union that included only skilled laborers.

Who is Samuel Gompers?


Long hours, low pay, child labor, lack of opportunity, dangerous conditions, boring and repetitive tasks, and unpleasant living conditions are all problems in this era. 

What is the industrial revolution?


This document freed the slaves in states still in rebellion on January 1st, 1863. 

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?


The Haymarket Riot, the Homestead Strike, and the Pullman Strike were all apart of this movement.

What is the Labor Movement?


This island admitted mainly Asian immigrants into the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

What is Angel Island?


The belief that native-born Americans were superior to others, and that immigrants and their diverse cultural influences were undesirable. 

What is Nativism?
