This amendment granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S.
What is the 14th Amendment?
This war in 1898 resulted in the U.S. acquiring Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
What was the Spanish-American War?
This 1898 event, involving the mysterious explosion of a U.S. battleship in Havana Harbor, helped spark the Spanish-American War.
What is the sinking of the USS Maine?
This U.S. president was known for trust-busting, conservation efforts, and the "Square Deal."
Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
This movement sought to ban alcohol, leading to the passage of the 18th Amendment.
What was the temperance movement?
This president took office after Lincoln’s assassination and was later impeached by Congress.
Who was Andrew Johnson?
This event led to the annexation of Hawaii by the United States in 1898.
What was the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani?
This Filipino revolutionary leader fought against both Spanish and American control of the Philippines.
Who is Emilio Aguinaldo?
This muckraking journalist exposed the corruption of the Standard Oil Company.
Who was Ida Tarbell?
This amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. senators.
What was the 17th Amendment?
This group of lawmakers pushed for stronger protections for freedmen and harsher punishments for the South.
Who were the Radical Republicans?
This 1899-1902 conflict was fought between the U.S. and Filipino revolutionaries resisting American rule.
What was the Philippine-American War?
This last reigning queen of Hawaii was overthrown in 1893 by American business interests.
Who is Queen Liliʻuokalani?
This labor leader co-founded the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and fought for workers’ rights.
Who was Eugene V. Debs?
What is the 16th amendment?
These laws, passed by Southern states, restricted the rights of African Americans after the Civil War.
What were Black Codes?
This 1823 doctrine warned European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere, later expanded by Theodore Roosevelt.
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
The Roosevelt Corollary justified U.S. intervention in this region whenever it was deemed necessary to maintain stability
What is Latin America?
This female social reformer founded Hull House to support immigrants and the poor.
Who was Jane Addams?
This African American leader co-founded the NAACP and advocated for immediate civil rights and higher education for Black Americans.
Who was W.E.B. Du Bois?
This system of agriculture kept many freedmen and poor whites in a cycle of debt and dependence on landowners.
What was sharecropping?
This addition to the Monroe Doctrine stated that the U.S. had the right to intervene in Latin America to maintain stability.
What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
The U.S. helped support Panama’s independence from this country to gain control over the canal zone.
What is Colombia?
This policy allowed voters to remove elected officials before their term ended.
What was the recall?
This 1911 workplace disaster led to stronger labor and fire safety laws.
What was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?
This compromise led to the withdrawal of federal troops from the South, effectively ending Reconstruction in 1877.
What was the Compromise of 1877?
This treaty ended the Spanish-American War and gave the U.S. control over several former Spanish territories.
What was the Treaty of Paris (1898)?
One major cause of the Philippine-American War was the U.S. refusal to grant this to the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.
What is independence?
This amendment granted women the right to vote in 1920.
What was the 19th Amendment?
This Wisconsin governor and senator championed progressive reforms at the state level, including direct primaries.
Who was Robert La Follette?
This Progressive reformer’s investigative journalism exposed the horrors of the meatpacking industry, leading to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906.
Who is Upton Sinclair?