Slavery in the South
Second Great Awakening

The term "Stations" referring to the Underground Railroad's what?

Safe place for escaped slaves to rest/hide


Transcendentalism mostly directly affected the development of American....

A: Steel

B: Borders

C: Literature

D: Politics

C: Literature


What is social reform?

A: large, informal group supporting a common idea or a cause

B: group of radical protesters, fighting for rights and justice

C: when something, was something, but now not that something anymore

A: large, informal group supporting a common idea or a cause


How did the Cotton Gin negative affect slavery in the South?

Made slaves more valuable as cotton became easier to produce, which caused a great need for more slaves


What did many Transcendentalists believe? 

A: Self-reflection and study of self could reveal more than science

B: Science was more important than self-reflection

C: Pineapples have no business on pizza

D: Self-Reflection needs a long mirror

A: Self-reflection and study of self could reveal more than science


What social reforms were the most directly related to the Second Great Awakening?

A: Batman and Robin

B: children being sent to school two days a week

C: abolishment of slavery and women's right to vote

D: women's right to vote and prohibition

C: abolishment of slavery and women's right to vote


How were William Lloyd Garrison and the Rev. Elijah Lovejoy alike?

Both printed anti slavery newspapers in the North


People should peacefully protest unjust laws. Is an example of ....

A: The right to a fair trial

B: The idea that all ideas should be protested

C: Transcendentalists impact on the Civil Rights movement

D: Ralph Waldo Emerson's guide to Transcendentalism 

C: Transcendentalists impact on the Civil Rights movement


What two key reform movements gave rise to women's suffrage movement?

A: factory conditions and temperance

B: anti-slavery and women's right to vote

C: health and education 

D: anti-slavery and temperance

D: anti-slavery and temperance


How was the Second Great Awakening important to slaves' religious beliefs?

A: It allowed for slaves to have a day to worship

B: Owners felt the converting to Christianity would make slaves more obedient

C: The rights were granted under the Constitution

D: This is not the correct choice, do not choose D

B: Owners felt the converting to Christianity would make slaves more obedient


Henry David Thoreau's idea of civil disobedience would look like.....

A: Infinity War

B: Taxation without representation is unfair and must be resisted 

C: If a law goes against morality then it must be protested peacefully

D: When all else fails, Orange Justice

C: If a law goes against morality then it must be protested peacefully


Which of the following best describes the contributions of Dorothea Dix? 

A: educated people about mental illness and the possibility of recovery for most patients. 

B: she set up the first homeless shelter in 1839

C: reformed education to allow children to attend school at least 3 months a year

D: she was the first to walk on the moon

A: educated people about mental illness and the possibility of recovery for most patients.


Slaves in the South were very religious people. They identified with stories in the Bible about suffering. They had they own songs, called spirituals, that expressed their feelings of distress. Slaves looked to God to provide them with a better life. Unfortunately, slaves did not have their own churches, but were forced to attend white-led plantation churches.  (Choose the sentence that is historically inaccurate)

Slaves did not have their own churches, but were forced to attend white-led plantation churches

Correction: Many African Americans became ministers and formed their own congregations. 


Which American writer did the most to gain a wide audience for Transcendentalism? 

A: Charles Dickerson

B: Ralph Waldo Emerson

C: Nathaniel Hawthorne

D: Thor

B: Ralph Waldo Emerson


How did participation in other reform movements help strengthen the women's movement? 

A: it allowed them to strengthen their knowledge in the area of temperance

B: Women were granted the right to vote due to all of the participation

C: Women's success in reform movements made them question the limitations placed on them in society. 

D: They made changes to the constitution which allowed the reform movements to become law

C: Women's success in reform movements made them question the limitations placed on them in society.
