Major invention that helped expand America in the 1800's
Main reason the French explored the Americas
Fur Trade
America fought this country once again in 1812
England or Britain
These Acts deported immigrants that criticized the Government
Alien and Sedition Acts
Major battle in Texas involving Sma Houston and Santa Ana
US expansion from coast to coast
Manifest Destiny
The three original areas of the United States
Breadbasket, New England, South
Purpose of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
Start a slave revolt
Woman that rescued many slaves
Harriet Tubman
Political Party that opposed the Mexican-American War
Not Dem or Rep
Whig Party
Only state to be an independent country
The invention that led to America's success before the Revolution
Printing Press
Elected president in 1860
Abraham Lincoln
President not friendly to Native Americans
Andrew Jackson
Who did the United States get the Louisiana Purchase
France $15 Million
This event led to the US legitimizing claims to the West
California Gold Rush
Altercation that led to the first fight between British and colonists (8 died and only 2 tried)
Boston Massacre
Cause of huge wave of immigration from Europe in the mid 1800's
Potato Famine
Major female dominated movement in the mid 1800's
Temperance Movement
President the sent Lewis and Clark on Journey to west
Thomas Jefferson
Major battle that happened in the 1860's
Civil War
Guilty of throwing tea into the harbor (not natives)
Sons of Liberty
Native American march to Oklahoma
Trail of Tears
Place where the major women's suffrage movement took place (not in Africa)
Seneca Falls
First state to secede from the Union
South Carolina