Colonial / Revolutionary America (1607-1783)
The Constitution and Early Republic (1787-1825)
Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877)
Industrialization and Progressive Era (late 19th to early 20th century)
20th Century Wars and the Cold War

This document, signed in 1620, established self-government for the pilgrims in Plymouth Colony.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This series of 85 essays argued in favor of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

What are the Federalist Papers?


This amendment, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery in the U.S.

What is the 13th Amendment?


This Progressive Era journalist exposed the harsh conditions in Chicago's meatpacking industry book "The Jungle".

Who is Upton Sinclair?


This 1941 surprise attack by Japan led to the U.S. entering World War II

What is Pearl Harbor?


This 1770 event, in which British soldiers killed 5 colonists, heightened tensions between Britain and the American colonies.

What is the Boston Massacre?


This compromise during the Constitutional Convention determined how slaves would be counted for representation and taxation purposes.

What is the Three-Fifths Compromise?

This amendment, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States and guaranteed equal protection under the law. Targets specifically freed slaves.

What is the 14th Amendment?


This oil tycoon founded Standard Oil Company and became one of the richest men in history.

Who is John D. Rockefeller?


This 1962 confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?


This 1776 pamphlet by Thomas Paine argued for American Independence from Britain.

What is Common Sense?


This 1803 Supreme Court case established the principle of Judicial Review (the ability for the court to declare a law/act unconstitutional)

What is Marbury v. Madison?

This 1863 speech by Abraham Lincoln redefined the purpose of the Civil War, emphasizing liberty and equality.

What is the Gettysburg Address?


This industrialist's company, U.S. Steel, became the first billion-dollar corporation in American history.

Who is Andrew Carnegie?

This 1919 treaty officially ended World War I and imposed harsh penalties on Germany/

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


This 1765 act imposed a direct tax on the colonies for printed materials, leading to widespread protests and the slogan "No taxation without representation".

What is the Stamp Act?


This early political party, led by Thomas Jefferson, favored states' rights and a limited federal government.

What is the Democratic-Republican Party?


This battle, fought from July 1st to July 3rd, is considered the turning point of the Civil War.

What is the Battle of Gettysburg?


This president, known for his Square Deal, was a leader in the Progressive Movement and pushed for regulatory reforms.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt.


This policy, introduced by President Harry S. Truman, aimed to contain the spread of communism.

What is the Truman Doctrine?


This treaty ended the American Revolution and recognized American independence.

What is the Treaty of Paris (1783)?


This 1823 doctrine declared that the Western Hemisphere was off-limits to new European colonization.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


This set of laws in Southern states restricted the rights and freedoms of African Americans after the Civil War. (These codes laid the foundation for Jim Crowe, which would come later).

What are Black Codes?


This 1890 act aimed to prevent monopolies and promote fair competition in the marketplace.

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?


This program, part of President Roosevelt's New Deal, provided jobs and infrastructure during the Great Depression

What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
