The Gilded Age
Hodge Podge
Progressive Mvmt

Period from late 1800's - early 1900's where factories began mass producing goods, quicker and cheaper.

What is Industrialization

During the Gilded Age, this form of transportation helped connect the East Coast of the United States to the Pacific Ocean, allowing for faster travel and shipping times.
What is the railroad
She was a muckracker who exposed the unfair business practices of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.
Who is Ida Tarbell?
Journalists who worked to correct problems in American life
A process where the people can remove an elected official and hold a new election
What is Recall
The main reason competing corporations often combine resources would be to create 
What is a Monopoly
This term refers to men like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, who monopolized their industries at the expense of their workers and smaller companies.
What is "Robber Barons"
He was often referred to as a "Trust-buster"
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?

He wrote the book, "The Jungle" that exposed the unsanitary conditions and bad working conditions of the meat-packing industry

Who is Upton Sinclair
This policy changed the constitution making it illegal to manufacture, sell, distribute, or transport alcohol in the U.S.
What is the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
During rapid industrialization, this form of housing was often the only available in urban centers.  It was often used by immigrants and was typically overcrowded and dangerous.
What is a Tenement house?
During the 1880s, a law was passed ("The _____ Exclusion Act") denying this group of immigrants entry into the United States and even prevented from obtaining citizenship.
Who were the Chinese
The 16th Amendment was favored by Progressives because the idea was based on a person's ability to pay.  
What is Income Tax?  (More accurately called Graduated Income Tax or Progressive Income Tax)
She started the Hull House and worked for new laws to help immigrants, workers, and childredn.
Who is Jane Addams
Law that said all food and medicine must be made in clean factories and must have proper labelling.
What is the Pure Food and Drug Act
Applying the theory of "Survival of the Fittest" to explain why the rich are on top and the poor are on the bottom of the economic structure.
What is Social Darwinism.
This agency was established to regulate the amount of money in circulation and control interest rates.
What is the Federal Reserve System/Bank
Political Machines flourished in U.S. cities at the turn of the century mainly because the machines provided jobs and services to immigrants and the poor.  The major political boss in NY City was
Who is Boss William Tweed?

Teddy Roosevelt was inspired by John Muir to protect land and the environment, as well as creating more National Parks. This type of person would be known as a 

What is a Conservationist?
What was guaranteed under the 19th Amendment.
What is Women's Suffrage. Right to vote for women.
This term refers to favoring the interests of native-born people over the interests of foreign-born people.  This is often applied to groups who are "different" than the main stream.
What is Nativism.
This law was passed in 1890 to try and crack down on the practices of big businesses. It was not enforced immediately however...  T. Roosevelt's administration supported it.
What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
During the late 1800's, the main reason labor unions had difficulty achieving gains for workers was due to 
What is Laissez-faire policy?  (Government sided with business interests and did not tell businesses what to do).
Name 2 union leaders who worked to improve workers' conditions during the period of Industrialization
Who are Eugene Debs and Samuel Gompers?
Laws that helped to eliminate unfair business practices, such as monopolies.
What are Anti-Trust Laws