Colonial Era to the New Constitution
Supreme Court Cases
America during War

These were the only successful things from the weak articles of confederation.

What is the Northwest Ordinance & Land Ordinance?


This supreme court case Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson.

What is Brown v. Board?


During the early 1900s, the U.S became involved in World War I because of

*Be Specific* 

What is the Zimmerman telegram and the bombing of the Lusitania?


Blame for escalating the great depression

Who is president Herbert Hoover


Those who exposed the “muck” of social and political issues in the late 19th century

Who are muckrakers?


What was added to the constitution to protect the rights of the citizens? 

What is the Bill of Rights?


This case Expanded the federal government in the early 1800s

What is Marshall’s Court?


In 1848, the U.S gained ownership of certain western territory, including that of which makes California, by winning

What is the Mexican American War?


This president’s election helped to start the civil war

Who is president Abraham Lincoln


The 17th,18th and 19th amendment all came from which Era?

 What is the progressive era?


‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” came from the ideas of a certain philosopher.

Who is John Locke?


This case happened due to FDR’s Executive Order 9066.

What is Korematsu v. United States?


Which action was an attempt by southern state governments after the Civil War to limit the rights of African Americans?

(1) ratification of the 13th amendment (2) implementation of the Black Codes (3) establishment of the Freedmen’s Bureau (4) impeachment of President Andrew Johnson

(2) implementation of the Black Codes


During whose administration did the Spanish-American War occur during?

Who is President Mckinley


During the 2nd world war the allies were made up of which nations? 

Who are the U.S, U.S.S.R, Great Britain, France, and China?


Mayflower compact and House of Burgesses are examples of…? 

  1. Democracy 

  2. Unity amongst the colonies 

  3. Self Government 

  4. Three Branches Of government 

What is self government?


This case that lead to the Civil War.

What is Dred Scott v Sandford?


 Agreements made at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences near the end of World War II resulted in the

(1) division of Germany into zones of occupation (2) invasion of the Soviet Union by the Allies (3) creation of the arms control agreements (4) control of the Korean peninsula by United Nations forces

what is the division of Germany into zones of occupation


The War on Poverty was an attempt by President Lyndon B. Johnson to

(1) send medical aid to African nations (2) strengthen the Peace Corps (3) decrease the number of immigrants from Latin America (4) raise  the standard of living for many Americans

(4) raise  the standard of living for many Americans


The cold war was fought between?

 Who are the U.S and the U.S.S.R?

  1. The colonists tried to negotiate for peace one last time with King George before the revolution by sending the?

  2. Common sense 

  3. Declaration of Independence 

  4. List of Grievances 

  5. Olive Branch Petition

What is the Olive Branch petition?


The Supreme Court decisions in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and in Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) resulted in 

(1) large land grants for Native American Indians 

(2) an expansion of the rights of African Americans. 

(3) greater state regulation of business activities. 

(4) an increase in the power of the federal government over state governments.

What is (4) an increase in the power of the federal government over state governments?


Which headline related to the Spanish-American War is an example of yellow journalism?

 (1) “President McKinley Asks Congress for War Declaration Against Spain” (2) “United States Mobilizes for War with Spain” (3) “United States Demands Response to Spanish Actions” (4) “Spanish Troops Slaughter Innocent Cuban Citizens”  

 (4) “Spanish Troops Slaughter Innocent Cuban Citizens”  


Belief in the domino theory by presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson directly influenced their decisions to

(1) reject the policy of collective security

(2) support a return to neutrality 

(3) end the Berlin airlift 

(4) increase United States military involvement in Vietnam 

(4) increase United States military involvement in Vietnam 


Which situation related to the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009 is addressed in this cartoon? (1) crisis in home foreclosures (2) growth of federal budget deficits (3) shortage of healthcare facilities (4) decline in the financial stability of Social Security

(1) crisis in home foreclosures
