Colonial Era
Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and George Washington
Federalists/Anti-Federalists and the Constituion
Westward Expansion
Civil War

The reason Pilgrims emigrated from England and settled in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.

What is religious freedom or religious persecution?


The first government of the United States that had a weak central government, no power to tax and no national currency, no President and only lasted until 1787.

What are the Articles of Confederation?


The 3 Branches of American Government.

What are the Legislative (Congress), Executive (President) and Judicial (Justice System/Supreme Court) Branches?


The term used to describe how Americans felt it was there God given right to conquer and control the North American continent between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

What is Manifest Destiny?


The term used to describe how North states and Southern states developed differently economically, socially and politically, initially based on the regions differing geography and climate. 

What is sectionalism?


The Stamp Act, the Sugar Act, the Townshend Acts and the Tea Acts are all examples of this reason the Colonists wanted to declare Independence from Great Britain. 

What is taxation without representation?


The English enlightenment philosopher who believed in Natural Rights and the consent of the governed who helped inspire the Framers of the Constitution.

Who is John Locke?


The group, including James Madison, that wanted to create a stronger central government, separation of government powers, an executive branch (president) and a new Constitution.

Who are the Federalists?


The land purchase made by President Thomas Jefferson, from the French, that doubled the size of American territory.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


This term explained how newly admitted states to the USA would determine whether the state would be considered a FREE state or a SLAVE state, according to the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854.

What is popular sovereignty? 

The term used for describing Great Britain ignoring the American colonies, due to the great distance and difficulty in communication, leading to the colonies developing self government, trade and greater sense of independence. 

What is salutary neglect?


The Shays Rebellion, from unpaid Revolutionary War veteran farmers in Massachusetts, exposed this weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

What is no national army?


The system based on Montesquieu's ideas about having 3 branches of government that could limit each others power in order to prevent tyranny, which was incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.

What is Checks and Balances?


The war responsible for the acquisition of territory that would result in the following states: California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah.

What is the Mexican American War (1846-1848)?


The name of formerly enslaved man whose Supreme Court Case determined that African Americans were NOT considered citizens and had no rights/civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Who is Dred Scott?


The Native Nation from upstate and western New York, that practiced democracy since 1142 under the Great Law of Peace in North America and helped inspire the American Constitution and the Articles of Confederation. 

Who are the Haudenosaunee or the Iroquois Confederacy?


The pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, encouraging colonists towards independence from Great Britain, citing reasons like Great Britain was just too far away and the colonies were too large for such a tiny island to govern.

What is Common Sense?


The compromise made at the Constitutional Convention that outlined a bi-cameral legislature, leading to our current format Congress including the Senate with equal representation for each state and the House of Representatives with representation based on population. 

What is the Great Compromise?


The forced relocation of the Cherokee Nation from Georgia to designated reservation territory in Oklahoma under President Andrew Jackson.

What is the Indian Removal Act?


What is the Trail of Tears?


The abolitionist who led a raid of the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia in attempt to lead a slave insurrection but was caught, tried and executed for treason.

Who is John Brown?


The war where the Colonists wanted to settle beyond the Appalachian Mtns but ran into conflicts with Native Nations living there and needed the British army to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to bail them out of the conflict, resulting in the Proclamation of 1763 forbidding settlement beyond the Appalachian Mtns and substantial debt for Great Britain.

What is the French and Indian War?


The foreign policy encouraged by George Washington in his farewell address to the nation, in order to keep the young United States out of war. 

What is Neutrality?


The document including the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution which include protections for individual freedoms and was insisted upon by the Anti- Federalists or they would not have ratified the new Constitution.

What is the Bill of Rights?


The technological marvel located in Western New York, which connected the Atlantic Ocean via the Hudson River to the Great Lakes and the rest of the United States in 1825 which revolutionized trade and transportation throughout the entire country.

What is the Erie Canal?


The machine invented by Eli Whitney, which allowed for the mass production of cotton and helped to greatly expand the institution of slavery in the South. 

What is the cotton gin?
