The United States Government ordered factories to do this after Pearl Harbor.
What was stop making consumer goods and make war goods?
The two ideologies that were at the root of the Cold War.
What is Communism and Capitalism?
This Amendment of the United States Constitution recognized former slaves as citizens and abolished slavery.
What is XIV (the Fourteenth Amendment)?
Environmental degradation by drought and farming practices did not help in soil preservation and resulted in large areas of non-agricultural land
What is the Dust Bowl?
This was a major goal of Jane Addams' Settlement House movement in Chicago
What is the assimilation of immigrants
Women in America did this to help with the fighting of WWII.
What is made war supplies in factories when men went off to fight, nurses, train pilots to fight, serve with American Red Cross?
A metaphorical name for the divide between the Soviet bloc and the rest of Europe
What was the ‘Iron Curtain’?
The instrumental leader of the civil rights movement; he believed in nonviolence and civil disobedience
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?
The impact of the stock market crash as more people withdrew their savings from the banks leading to closure.
What is the failure of the banks?
This is an effect rock and roll had on society in the United States in the 1950s.
What is a cultural divide between generations?
Americans bought these to help with war costs.
What is War bonds?
The main policy of the USA towards Asia.
What is Containment?
Linda Brown’s parents sued the school board for not allowing their daughter to attend a better all-white school miles closer to their home than the segregated elementary school she was assigned to. Won this case on 17 May 1954 when the Warren Court handed down a unanimous 9-0 decision in favor of Brown.
What is Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?
Signed in 1919 in Paris at the end of World War I, codified peace terms between Germany and the victorious Allies.
What is The Treaty of Versailles?
What is the counterculture movement?
The woman who represented all women during the war due to their efforts to help
Who is Rosie the Riveter?
The decision to give $17 billion in aid to struggling non-Communist economies in Europe.
What was the Marshall Plan?
Banned most discrimination in employment and in public accommodations and enlarged federal power to protect voting rights and speed up school desegregation.
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Stock prices collapsed first, by the end of 1919. The downturn in wholesale prices came 6 months later. By the autumn of 1920 a severe industrial depression had developed. Factory employment dropped 30 percent from March 1920 to July 1921.
What are the effects the Great Depression?
Chicano migrant workers establish this to obtain fair wages and improve labor conditions.
What is the United Farm Workers?
Things the United States Government asked everyone at home in America to do to help the soldiers in war. (Name 2)
What is recycle, ration, buy war bonds, save money?
Gorbachev’s new approach, Reagan’s hardline tactics, The economic strength of the USA and weakness of the USSR, The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe all contributed to this.
What are events that caused the end of the Cold War?
These men: The head of the NAACP’s team of lawyers, the head of the SCLC, and one who went from a criminal to a Nation of Islam preacher of black separatism, achieved many things for African Americans.
Who are Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X?
Imposed high taxes on imported goods. As a retaliation for the same, trade partners imposed high tariffs on goods made in the USA, which resulted in a decline in the world trade by around two-third between the periods of 1929-34?
The passing of Smoot-Hawley Tariff or the Tariff Act of 1930?
The rise of baseball as a major sport in Japan is an example of this.
What is the diffusion of American culture?