Who's That Person?
Inventors & Reformers
Vocab Terms
Vocab Terms Continued
You've Got Rights!
Battles & Wars
Battles & Wars Continued
Important Dates
Name That Person
Countries & Nations
Unit 10

This person was The United States 1st president. 

Who is George Washington?


This person is credited with the water powered textile mill. 

Who is Samuel Slater? 


This was a religious movement in the colonies that emphasized personal religious experience.

What is the "First Great Awakening"?


This is known as putting friends in positions of power, regardless of their qualifications. Made popular by President Andrew Jackson.

What is the spoils system?


In 1619 this was the 1st form of representative government in the colonies.

What is the The Virginia House of Burgesses?


These are rights that you are born with, that the government may not take away from you.

What are Unalienable Rights? Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


These were reasons for exploration and colonization. 

What are he 3 G's: God, Gold & Glory.


Two cause of this war was French forts on English lands as well as The French encouraging Native raids on English lands. 

What is the French & Indian War?


This Union victory was the bloodiest single day of battle in American history.

What is the Battle of Antietam? 


In 1607 this became the first permanent English settlement.

What is Jamestown?


This 11th president of the United States promised to annex Texas. 

Who is James K. Polk?


Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island, all made up this region in the New World. This region was known for having harsh winters and short summers.

What are the New England Colonies?


By 1494 these 3 powers were fighting for control to rule the New World.

Who are France, England and Spain?


This was the time period after the Civil War that struggled with deciding how Southern states would be admitted back into the Union (United States).

What is the Reconstruction Era?


This person is credited with the Tabaco boom in Jamestown, Virginia. 

Who is John Rolfe


This person is credited with the invention of the Cotton Gin and Interchangeable Parts.

Who is Eli Whitney? 


This was the route on which slaves were forcibly brought over on ships.

What is "Middle Passage"?


This is loyalty to local interests instead of national interests leading to a division.

What is "Sectionalism"?


This was the 1st written constitution in America.

What are "The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut"?


This amendment gives you rights in criminal cases.

What is the 5th amendment?


This was the movement of plants, animals, and diseases between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. 

What is the Columbian Exchange?


"The shot heard around the World" officially stated the American Revolution, and took place here.

Where is Lexington & Concord?


This was a turning point in the Civil War as Robert E. Lee's army was defeated in Pennsylvania. 

What is the Battle of Gettysburg? 


In 1620 Pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower and eventually landed to set up this colony. 

What is the Plymouth Colony?


This person wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, a novel that emotionally connected people to the moral issue of slavery, encouraging many to call for the abolition of slavery.

Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe? 


Maine became a FREE state, Missouri became a SLAVE state and slavery cannot extend North of 36’30 latitude line in this compromise. 

What is the Missouri Compromise of 1820?


France settled in Canada and colonists engaged in this type of trade with Native Americans.

What is the fur trade?


In 1865, southern governments created THESE which served as a way to control the freedom of former slaves.

What are Black Codes?


This person wrote a pamphlet titled "Common Sense", that called for neutral colonists to unite against King George III & fight for independence.

Who is Thomas Paine?


This person is credited with the invention of the Commercial Steamboat. 

Who is Robert Fulton?


This was Britain’s hands-off policy towards governing the colonies, which caused the colonies to develop their own representative self government. 

What is "Salutary Neglect"?


This is when people gradually move from rural areas/the countryside into cities.

What is "Urbanization"?


This was Americas 1st form of government in which states held more power than the National Government. 

What are the Articles of Confederation?


This gives you the right to bear arms. 

What is the 2nd amendment?


This was a group of American colonists who supported the British in the American Revolution and wanted to remain part of England.

Who are Loyalists?


This battle was a turning point in the American Revolution by convincing the French to join the Americans. 

What is the Battle of Saratoga? 


The Union won & gained complete control of the Mississippi River in this battle.

What is the Siege of Vicksburg? 


In 1763 this banned colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is The Proclamation of 1763?


This former slave sued for freedom saying that he was now living in a free territory. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against him, saying: “He is not a citizen, therefore cannot sue in the American court system.”

Who is Dred Scott? 


These are the 5 tribes of the Southeast that were forcibly removed from their land in the Indian Removal Act. 

Who are the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek (Muscogee), Choctaw, and Seminole Tribes?


This demanded that Europe not interfere with any country in the Western Hemisphere.

What is the Monroe Doctrine? 


Republicans passed THIS which guaranteed freedmen’s rights, which was later rewritten into the 14th Amendment.

What is the Civil Rights Bill?


This person was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence and would later become the third president of the United States.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This person is credited with the invention of the American-made Steam Locomotive. 

Who is Peter Cooper?


Under this economic policy, colonies supply the Mother Country with raw materials and goods made by natural resources.

What is "Mercantilism"?


Reasons that push people out of their native lands.

What are "Push Factors"?


Using the New Jersey plan and the Virginia plan, this would decide how representation would work in congress.

What is The Great Compromise?


This amendment gives states rights. 

What is the 10th amendment?

This group of American colonists sided with the rebels in the American Revolution and wanted independence.

Who are Patriots?


Washington and French ships surrounded British General Cornwallis, in this official last battle of the American Revolution. 

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


Union troops marched throughout the south destroying Southern supply lines, which would become known as this during the Civil War. 

What is Sherman's March to the Sea?


In 1770 five colonists were killed in this tragic event which would eventually be a cause of the American Revolutionary War.

What is the Boston Massacre? 


This person was an abolitionist who wanted to start a slave uprising in Virginia. In 1859 he attacked the U.S. arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

Who is John Brown?


This man-made river was constructed in 1825 in New York, and was constructed to make transportation more efficient. 

What is the Erie Canal? 


In 1846 Britain signed this treaty with the United States to give us territory on the West Coast. 

What is the Oregon Treaty.


In 1867 Congress passed THIS act, which established 5 Military Districts in the South to rule over the former Confederate states until new governments could be formed.

What is the Reconstruction Act?


This person is known as the "Father of the Constitution", and would become the 4th President of the United States. 

Who is James Madison? 


This person is credited with the invention of the Steel Plow.

Who is John Deere?


These people supported the constitution as it was originally written.

Who are Federalists?


This religious revival emphasized the ability of each person to achieve salvation and make a difference.

What is the Second Great Awakening? 


This document created the United States government.

What is the Constitution of the United States?


This amendment made it illegal to quarter troops in your home. 

What is the 3rd amendment?


"AJJ" is an acronym to help remember who these 3 main federalists were.

Who are Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay?


The impressment of American sailors, interference in American trade, and encouraging Native American attacks on the frontier led to this war with England.

What is the War of 1812?


On April 9, 1865, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant here and the Civil War was officially ended.

Where is Appomattox Courthouse? 


On July 4th, 1776 - this document was officially approved by congress.

What is the Declaration of Independence? 


This person became the 16th president of the United States and helped end slavery. Eventually becoming the first president to get assassinated. 

Who is Abraham Lincoln? 


New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware make up this region in the New World. This region is known for its moderate climate.

What are the Middle Colonies?


This was purchased from Mexico for $10 million in 1853.

What is the Gadsden Purchase?


This provided assistance to former slaves and impoverished whites in the Southern States.

What is the Freedmen’s Bureau?


This person was in George Washington's cabinet as the Secretary of the Treasury.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


This person is credited with the inventions of the Telegraph and Morse Code. 

Who is Samuel F.B. Morse?


These people opposed the constitution due to a lack of guaranteed rights in the constitution. 

Who are anti-federalists? 


This was known as the stop of the sale, and drinking of alcohol.

What is the Temperance Movement?


Congress is in this branch of government. 

What is the Legislative Branch?


This amendment states that all the rights not listed in the Constitution belong to the people, not the government.

What is the 9th amendment? 


"GPS" is an acronym to help remember who these 3 main anti-federalists were.

Who are George Mason, Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams?


This treaty ended the Mexican - American War.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? 


This regiment was one of the first official African American units in the United States during the Civil War with over 1,000 black soldiers. 

What is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment? 

The American Revolution officially ended on September 3, 1783 with the signing this.


What is the Treaty of Paris?


This person was elected as the President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. 

Who is Jefferson Davis?


In the Mexican Cession, Mexico gave up what would later become these future states?

What is California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado, and New Mexico?


In the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico gave up land that became known as this... 

What is the Mexican Cession?


This is when congress charges an official of misconduct or illegal action.

What is to "Impeach"?


This person was the 2nd president of the United States.

Who is John Adams?


This person is credited for the invention of a new steel process which helped to cheaply mass-produce steel from molten iron, and allowed for stronger steel to be produced at a lower cost.

Who is Henry Bessemer? 


To officially approve something.

What is "ratify" or "ratification"?


Reasons that pull people toward the U.S.

What are "Pull Factors"?


The President of the United States is in this branch of government. 

What is the Executive Branch? 


This amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures.

What is the 4th amendment?


The election of 1824 is known as this.

What is the "Corrupt Bargain"? 


In 1845 this state entered the U.S. as a slave state after the Mexican-American War.

What is Texas?


This war was fought between native tribes, the French and England.

What is the French & Indian War?


In 1803 this was purchased from France for 15 million dollars, doubled the size of the United States over night, and gave control of the Mississippi River to the United States.

What is the Louisiana Purchase. 


This person assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. 

Who is John Wilkes Booth?


This was bought from Mexico because this area was seen as the most practical route for the new railroad that was expanding across the U.S.

What is the Gadsden Purchase? 


Congress made African-American rights official by passing a series of constitutional amendments known as...

What are "The Civil Rights Amendments"?


This persons presidency is known as the "Era of Good Feelings" following the War of 1812. 

Who is James Monroe? 


This person fought to provide free public elementary school to every child. Also wanted schools to provide training to teachers.

Whos is Horace Mann?


This is an action or a model set by someone or something, for others to follow. 

What is a precedent? 


An organization that works on behalf of workers to protect their rights.

What are "Labor Unions"?


The Supreme Court is in this branch of government. 

What is the Judicial Branch?


This amendment gives you the right to a fair trial by a jury in criminal cases.

What is the 6th amendment?


In 1828, Congress passed a high tariff that created economic problems for the entire South. This would lead to a crisis known as...

What is the Nullification Crisis? 


Civil War broke out in this state between pro slavery and abolitionists leading to this name. 

What is Bleeding Kansas? 


In 1819 the U.S. purchased Florida from Spain for $5 million in this treaty.

What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?


This person is the first African-American to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Who is William Harvey Carney?


Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, made up this region in the New World. And this region is known for its long hot summers, and short winters.

What are the Southern Colonies?


This amendment granted U.S. citizenship to all former slaves and provided “due process of law” and “equal protection of the laws”.

What is the 14th Amendment? 


This person forcibly removed Native Americans from their land in the Indian Removal act, was nicknamed "Old Hickory", and would become the 7th president of the United States. 

Who is Andrew Jackson?


This person is known for their belief in Civil Disobedience: A non-violent form of protest, such as a refusal to pay taxes or follow an unjust law.

Who is Henry David Thoreau?


This is an official ban on trade.

What is an embargo?


This was the movement to end slavery.

What is the "Abolition Movement"?


This Supreme Court decision gave Justices the right to declare a law UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

What is the case of Marbury vs Madison?


This amendment protects the right to a trial by jury in civil court cases.

What is the 7th amendment?


This Act let residents vote to decide if their state would become a slave or free state. 

What is the Kansas/Nebraska Act?


First shots of the Civil War were fired here. 

Where is Fort Sumter? 


In the winter of 1837 five native tribes were forced to walk to "Indian Territory". Many would die and this would come to be known as this.

What is the "Trail of Tears"?


This person is the first Hispanic-American to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Who is Philip Bazaar?


After the Election of 1860, this was the first state to secede (leave the union).

Who is South Carolina? 


This amendment officially abolished slavery throughout the United States. 

What is the 13th Amendment?


This person is son of the 2nd president, and won the election of 1824 making him the 6th president of the United States.

Who is John Quincy Adams?


These two women were key reformers in Prison Reform.

Who is Dorothea Dix, and Eliza Farnham?


This is the right to vote in elections.

What is "suffrage"? 


This is a philosophy that ties humanity to nature, and focuses on the individual. 

What is "Transcendentalism"?


This court case established that states cannot tax the federal government.

What is the case of McCulloch vs Maryland?


This amendment gives you the freedom of speech, religion, press, petitions and assembly.

What is the 1st amendment?


This party formed to stop the spread of slavery into new territories.

What is the Republican Party?


The South (confederacy) won this 1st official battle of the Civil War.

What is the 1st Battle of Bull Run?


In 1849 this event caused many to flock to the West Coast to strike at rich. 

What is The California Gold Rush?


This person was a nurse during the Civil War; and started the American Red Cross.

Who is Clara Barton? 


This amendment guaranteed voting rights to MALE former slaves (freedmen).

What is the 15th Amendment? 


This person is known for his Essays on Transcendentalism. 

Who is Ralph Waldo Emerson?


These three women were key in the Women's Rights Movement in the mid 1800's. 

Who are Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and  Susan B. Anthony?


This is the belief that it was the right of the United States to expand its territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean (from sea to shining sea).

What is Manifest Destiny?


To add or absorb an area.

What is "Annexation"?


This court case established that congress has the ability to regulate interstate commerce.

What is the case of Gibbons vs Ogden?


This amendment protects you right from cruel or unusual bails, fines, or punishments.

What is the 8th amendment? 


This was Lincoln’s military order to free slaves in the South.

What is the Emancipation Proclamation? 


24,000 soldiers were lost in this Union victory that allowed Grant to begin a massive operation in the Mississippi Valley later in the year. 

What is the Battle of Shiloh?


This person became President after Lincoln's assassination, and would later become the 1st president to be impeached. 

Who is Andrew Johnson? 


This person was the 1st African American to serve in the U.S. Congress. He served as a Senator and spoke on behalf of racial equality and amnesty (official pardons) for former Confederates.

Who is Hiram Rhodes Revels?
