What were joint-stock companies?

Tuesday Triple

A business owned by English investors who buy and sell shares of the company's stock. The percentage of ownership a shareholder has is based on the number of shares they own. This was done in an effort to found new colonies.


What were royal colonies?

Royal colonies were colonies in which the king took direct control of the colony.


What is the Anglican Church?

It was the Church of England founded under Henry the VIII.


Who were the Separatists?

They were those who chose to separate themselves completely from the church of England and hold their own worship services.


Who were the Puritans?

These were Christians who hoped to purify the Anglican Church of various Roman Catholic practices and ceremonies. Many Puritans believed that a church congregation should govern itself.


What was another term for Pilgrims?



What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

It was the first document that established the first self-government in the New World.


What was Plymouth?

It was the Pilgrims' settlement named after the port in England they had sailed from.


Who was Squanto?

An Indian leader who showed the settlers how to plant corn and squash and develop trade with neighboring Indians.


Who was William Bradford?

He was the governor of Plymouth starting in 1621.


What was the Massachusetts Bay Company?

A group of Puritans who decided to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony after receiving a charter from the king.


Who was John Winthrop?

The first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony


Who was Roger Williams?

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He was the founder of Rhode Island and was expelled from Massachusetts after advocating for free worship according to one's conscience, regardless of their religious affiliation.


Who was Thomas Hooker?

He was pastor who received permission to move his congregation to Connecticut who then founded the town of Hartford.


What was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?

It was the first written constitution in America. According to the document, the government's authority lay in the consent of the people.


What is the difference between charter colonies and proprietary colonies?

Charter colonies were those who had official permission to found a colony by way of a charter that contained rules governing where a colony would be located and how it would be administered. Proprietary colonies were those that the king gave to individuals or groups, and they were able to govern their colonies as they pleased.


Who was Henry Hudson?

He was an Englishman who discovered the river that sailed up to what is now New York state.


What was New Netherland?

It eventually became the colony of New York.


What was mercantilism?

An economic system in which wealth was measured by the amount of gold and silver a nation possessed.


Who were the Quakers? What did they believe?

Known as the Society of Friends; group that separated from the Anglican Church; "trembled at the word of the Lord"; viewed all people as equal; believed that everyone has an "inner light" telling them God's will instead of the Bible.


Who was William Penn?

A Quaker who was a member of a wealthy English family. King Charles II owed Penn's father a large sum of money. It was paid to William as a proprietary colony which Penn named Sylvania, Latin for woodland. He hoped to provide a haven for himself and his persecuted Quaker friends with his colony.


Who was Cecilius Calvert?

He founded the colony of Maryland in an attempt to bring religious tolerance to Catholics in the New World. Also known as Lord Baltimore (II).


What was the Act of Toleration?

It was a law that was passed guaranteeing religious freedom to all who believed in the Trinity.


Who was James Oglethorpe?

Olgethorpe founded the colony of Georgia in an attempt to provide a colony for debtors because if you had owed money in England, you could have been thrown in prison until the debt was paid off.


What beliefs were fundamental precursors to the Bill of Rights?

The idea of religious tolerance found in Roger Williams belief that people should be free to worship according to their consciences. As well as the Act of Toleration.
