When one country takes control of another to gain power, land, or resources.
What are settlers?
People who move to a new area to live and build communities.
Where are the Europeans from?
What year did the European settlers come to North America?
The 1500s and 1600s.
What is Economic?
The search for new trade routes, wealth (especially gold), and new resources.
Define an economy.
The system of how goods and services are made, bought, and sold in a country or region.
What is a Native American?
Native Americans are the first people to live in the Americas. They include many people, like the Navajo, and cherokee, with their own cultures, languages, and traditions.
Where did the Spanish settlers come from?
When did the Dutch Colonize North America?
In the early 1600s.
Define Religious.
The desire to spread Christianity, particularly Catholicism, to new territories.
What is a fur trade?
The business of trapping animals for their fur and selling it. Agriculture – The science or practice of farming, including growing crops and raising animals.
Who are the Europeans?
Europeans are people from Europe, a continent made up of many countries like France, Spain, Germany, and Italy. They have different cultures, languages, and traditions depending on their country.
Where did the Dutch settlers derive from?
When was Jamestown founded?
Jamestown, was founded in 1607 in present-day Virginia.
Explain the definition political.
Expanding their empires and gaining land to increase power and prestige.
Explain the Three Sisters.
– A farming method used by Native Americans involving planting corn, beans, and squash together.
Who are the Spanish settlers?
Spanish settlers were people from Spain who moved to the Americas during the age of exploration , beginning the late 15 century.
Where did the British settlers originate from?
The British settlers came from Great Britain, which includes England, Scotland, and Wales.
What year was the Plymouth Colony established?
By the 1620s, another important British colony was established: Plymouth Colony in present-day Massachusetts.
What does it mean to survive?
To continue to live or exist, especially in difficult conditions.
What is a trade?
The act of buying and selling goods or services.
Who were the Dutch?
The Dutch were people from the Netherlands, a country in Europe.(During the 17th century, Dutch explorers and settlers played a significant role in global trade, and colonization, establishing colonies in areas like present-day New York(originally called New Amsterdam).
What was present day New York called?
New Amsterdam.
What time frame did Christopher Columbus discover America?
He is often credited with "discovering" the Americas in 1492.
What are weapons?
– Tools or devices used to defend oneself or hunt, such as guns or bows and arrows.