Colonial Regions
European Influence of Colonial Government
Lead up to American Revolution
The American Revolution

Name the three Colonial Regions 

New England, Middle, and Southern 

Limited Government was established by what European document 

The Magna Carta 

What is Salutary Neglect? 

The British leaving the Colonist alone due to preoccupation in war and other European conflicts


What battle was the last straw in starting the American Revolution?

"Shot heard round the world" 

Lexington and Concord 


What was the Pueblo Revolt?

A revolt by the indigenous people against the Spanish colonizers, who forced them to change religions, destroyed their temples, and were plagued by famine.


What is the religious outlook in all three of the colonial regions and how do they differ

New England - Strict Religion 

Middle - Religiously Tolerant/ Diverse

South - Not a big Deal/ Not reason for settlement 


What document effectively ended Salutary Neglect

The Proclamation of 1763


The French and Indian War was caused by? 

Competing tensions of land in America, specifically the land that forks at the Ohio River


This would mark the turning point in the American Revolution as with the American victory, the French would join the Revolution

The Battle of Saratoga 


Who was John Smith, why was his leadership important?

John Smith was the founder of Jamestown, his leadership was important in guiding the colony through Jamestown.


Explain the differences between agriculture in the Southern Colonies and agriculture in the Middle colonies 

Middle - Wheat, Barley, and Rye 

Southern - Rice, Indigo, and Tobacco 


Why did British colonist originally settle in Jamestown?

To find Gold


What were the two taxes that were implemented on the colonist following the French and Indian War and explain both. 

Stamp Act - direct tax on newspapers, legal documents and other paper products

Townshend Act- indirect tax that put duties on certain imported goods, including glass and tea


However this battle would serve as the last major battle of the American Revolution

The Battle of Yorktown 


How were the middle colonies a combination of the NE & Southern colonies?

The middle colonies had soil similar to that of the southern colonies so they could grow cash crops (cereal). They also shared a religious foundation with the NE colonies though not as strict/


What was the Mayflower Compact/Contract and why was it important 

The Mayflower Compact was an agreement in which the settlers of the Plymouth Colony agreed to obey their governments laws 


What are the three G's? Which colonial region, was founded with GOD as a primary reason?

Gold, Glory, God, and the NE colony was founded by the Puritans for Religious Freedom


What was the Stamp Act Congress and what occurred there. 

The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting between nine of the colonies requesting the repeal of the Stamp tax, the king will repeal the stamp tax but replaces it with the Declaratory Act. 


What document would officially proclaim independence and war to the King from the Colonist 

The Declaration of Independence 


Why is history a matter of debate?

History is a matter of debate because it is shaped by the perspectives people who were there, and the historians who interpret it. Often times the story of history is missing the perspectives of the loser/lower social classes. 


What explorer founded MA Bay Colony? What was his religion?

John Winthrop- Puritan


Name two other countries, besides the British... that also colonized Americas?

Spain & France


Explain both the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party 

The Boston Tea Party - Colonists dress up as Indians and dump tea into harbor 

The Boston Massacre- An unruly crowd goes up to British guards over time a shot rings out, then they all shoot and leave 5 colonists dead 


Order these events in the the correct timeline?

Battle of Lexington Concord, Pontiacs Rebellion, Boston Tea Party, and Battle of YorkTown

Pontiacs Rebellion, Boston Tea Party, Battle of Lexington Concord, Battle of Yorktown 


What are the foundations of America?

 Colonization, Slavery, Revolution
