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Revolutionary Roster

This event, in which British soldiers opened fire on a group of protesting colonists, was memorialized in the etching seen here:

What was the Boston Massacre?


This was the first American colony to engage in outright armed rebellion against British rule

What is Massachusettes?


Delegates from all the states attended this gathering that was intended to amend and improve the Articles of Confederation

What was the Constitutional Convention?


The primary author of the Declaration of Independence who went on to serve as the third president of the United States

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The first ten amendments to the Constitution which guarantee extensive individual liberties to Americans

What is the Bill of Rights?


Massachusetts colonists disguised themselves as Native Americans and sneaked aboard British ships in harbor in order to engage in this "festive" act of protest

What was the Boston Tea Party?


Location in Pennsylvania where General Washington's army spent a difficult winter in 1777-1778 receiving military training from a Prussian baron

What is Valley Forge?


Representatives from all thirteen colonies signed the Declaration of Independence at this meeting in 1776

What was the Second Continental Congress?


American author, inventor, and newspaper editor who served as ambassador to France during the American Revolution

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


Name given to France's 1803 sale to the United States of an enormous territory west of the Mississippi

What was the Louisiana Purchase?


Debt from this war, which lasted from 1754 to 1763, caused the British to levy new taxes against the American colonies

What was the French and Indian War?


City where the U.S. Constitution was drafted in 1787

What is Philadelphia?


These local groups were organized by Samuel Adams to inform colonists of British measures and coordinate opposition to them in the years before the American Revolution

What were the committees of correspondence?


Silversmith who made a midnight horseback ride in 1775 to warn Massachusetts colonists that British troops were marching to arrest Patriot leaders and confiscate weapons stores

Who was Paul Revere?


A starship of this name features in most t.v. shows and movies in the Star Trek franchise

What is Enterprise?


This 1783 agreement ended the American Revolution with the British ceding a large amount of territory to the United States

What is the Treaty of Paris?


Forest moon that was the site of the Battle of the Second Death Star in Return of the Jedi

What is Endor?


Name given to the meeting of representatives from all the colonies except Georgia to try to repair the colonists' relationship with Great Britain

What was the First Continental Congress?


Creator of the Virginia Plan who is sometimes known as the "Father of the Constitution"

Who was James Madison?


British policy of allowing the American colonies to govern themselves as long as they paid taxes and cooperated with England's economic programs

What was salutary neglect?


This uprising of Native American tribes from the Great Lakes region resulted from attempts by American colonists to settle in territories west of the Appalachian Mountains

What was Pontiac's Rebellion?


First capital city of the United States after ratification of the Constitution

What is New York City?


Meeting of the protagonists in The Fellowship of the Ring to determine how to destroy the One Ring and defeat the dark lord Sauron

What was the Council of Elrond?


Merchant, statesman, and sometime smuggler who is perhaps best known for his prominent signature on the Declaration of Independence

Who was John Hancock?

Statutory interpretation that allows the federal government to use only those powers that are specifically granted by the Constitution

What is strict construction?
