Prominent People
Notable Notations
Partisan Politics
Onerous Ordinances
Breathtaking Battles

Leader of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary war who went on to serve as the first president of the United States

Who is George Washington?


This document, signed by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, announced American independence and explained the reasons for it

What is the Declaration of Independence?


American colonists who wanted to sever ties with Great Britain and form a new nation

Who are the Patriots?


This law decreased the tax on molasses but included provisions that significantly improved enforcement measures to ensure that the tax would be collected

What was the Sugar Act?


This was the final major battle of the American Revolution in which a combined force of American and French armies as well as a French navy forced the main British army to surrender

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


First secretary of the treasury, whose plan for servicing the national debt was intended to help the America's economy transition from agrarian to industrial

Who was Alexander Hamilton?


Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to make the argument for American independence in the period leading up to the Revolutionary War

What was "Common Sense"?


Those who supported ratification of the Constitution and policies that would establish a strong national government

Who are the Federalists?


This law imposed a tax on printed items such as diplomas, land deeds, newspapers, and even playing cards

What was the Stamp Act?


Celebrities dress up in costumes such as "Fox", "Butterfly", and "Robot" to conceal their identities before performing in this reality competition show

What is The Masked Singer?


The fourth Chief Justice of the United States who presided over Marbury v. Madison, arguably the most important Supreme Court case of all time

Who was John Marshall?


This was the first constitution of the United States of America

What are the Articles of Confederation?


Political party that opposed a strong national government and favored greater power for the states and individual citizens

Who are the Democratic Republicans?


Officially known as the Coercive Acts, the British laws intended to punish the people of Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party were given this name by the American colonists

What were the Intolerable Acts?


This first major battle of the American Revolution saw the Americans retreat only after inflicting severe casualties on British soldiers who advanced without regard to their strategic disadvantage

What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?


The "Mother of Dragons" in George R.R. Martins' Game of Thrones series

Who is Daenerys Targaryen?


Act of Congress that detailed how western territories were to be governed and the process by which they could apply for full statehood

What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1789?


American colonists who preferred to remain British citizens and favored reconciliation with Great Britain

Who are the Loyalists?


This law of Parliament required the American colonists to provide lodging and food for British soldiers stationed in the colonies

What was the Quartering Act?


The worst American defeat of the Revolutionary War occurred when this engagement ended with nearly 6,000 American soldiers killed, wounded, or captured

What is the Siege of Charleston?

Field general for the British Army throughout the American Revolution who surrendered a force of nearly 8,000 soldiers at the Battle of Yorktown

Who was Charles Cornwallis?


Decree by King George III that prohibited the American colonists from creating settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains

What was the Proclamation of 1763?


Those who opposed ratification of the Constitution, fearing the threat of an abusive national government

Who are the Anti-Federalists?


This series of laws, passed by Parliament in 1766 and 1767, imposed new taxes on a variety of household items to fund the salaries of Britain's colonial governors and judges

What were the Townshend Acts?


The most important result of the American victory in this 1777 battle was that it led to the French joining the Revolutionary War on the American side

What is the Battle of Saratoga?
