Taylor and Fillmore
The Civil War

Name of the war ended by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The Mexican-American War


What did the Fugitive Slave Act do?

Compelled northern law enforcement to hunt down and return escaped slaves to the south (or allow southern or federal law enforcement to do the same)


Name of the man who raided Harpers Ferry in an attempt to arm a slave rebellion in 1859

John Brown


Colorful name of the paper currency issued during the Civil War with no hard money backing


The name of the Pennsylvania town that marked the northernmost advance of the Confederate Army and the turning point of the war.



What was Free Soil, and who did the Free Soil Party run as their candidate in 1848?

Free soil - slavery should not be permitted in federal territories

Free soil party - Martin Van Buren


What was the Sumner/Brooks incident

Brooks bashed in Sumner's head with a cane over comments about his relatives


James Buchanan attempted to rush passage of the Lecompton Constitution (of Kansas) which did what?

Established slavery in Kansas (against the wishes of its populace)


What did the Emancipation Proclamation accomplish?

Though it did not free any slaves on the day it passed, it reframed the Civil War as a fight to end slavery and kept Great Britain and any other countries from recognizing or aiding the Confederacy

Main difference between McClellan and Burnside

McClellan was overly cautious, Burnside was reckless


What was nativism, and which minor party of the day advocated nativism?

Nativism - significantly restrict immigration and the rights of immigrants, America for native-born (white anglo) Americans

The Know Nothing Party, Native American Party, or American Party


What two things did the Kansas-Nebraska Act do?

Divided the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase land into Kansas and Nebraska

Allow popular sovereignty in both (ending Missouri Compromise)


What was the Crittenden Compromise?

A proposed constitutional amendment that would guarantee slavery's existence south of the original MO compromise line

Why was Lincoln chosen as nominee in 1860 over several better known and more experienced candidates?

He was a compromise between the radicals and conservatives

He did not have the political baggage the other candidates had


Why was Sherman considered a revolutionary commander?

His total war/scorched earth tactics (destroying any property that could theoretically be used to help the war effort). 


What were the terms of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

Neither the US nor Great Britain would build a canal through Central America without giving the other the right of first refusal.


What was the Ostend Manifesto?

Leaked plans of the US to buy Cuba


What was the Freeport Doctrine, and why was it a problem for Democrats in 1860?

Slavery cannot exist anywhere the people do not want it (a restatement of popular sovereignty)

It was put forth by Stephen Douglas, and the Southern Democrats refused to support him in 1860


Name and explain two of the four bills passed under Lincoln that dealt with Western development

Morrill Tariff Act - protective tariff

Homestead Act - parcels of land

Morrill Land Grant Act - technical colleges

Pacific Railway Act - transcontinental railroad


What were the advantages and disadvantages of the North at the beginning of the war?

Advantages: better economy, more people, more infrastructure, stronger central government

Weaknesses: had to fight offensively, the south had the best military commanders


Name three terms of the Compromise of 1850

Admit California as a free state

Apply popular sovereignty to the rest of the Mexican Cession

Pass and strictly enforce a Fugitive Slave Law


Name and describe the crisis that resulted from the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Bleeding Kansas

Pro- and anti-slavery settlers poured into Kansas to sway the vote, often erupting in violent clashes across the territory

Name three precedents set by the Dred Scott v. Sandford case

1. Black people could not be citizens, because they did not have rights that white people were bound to respect

2. The Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional

3. Limiting slavery in any federal territory was unconstitutional


According to his second inaugural address, what was Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?

He wanted peace to be made and the division to be healed as quickly as possible. He wanted the "punishment" to be very light to accomplish this.


What were Winfield Scott's Three Pillars of the Union strategy?

1. Complete blockade of the Confederacy (Anaconda Plan)

2. Capture the Mississippi River

3. March on Richmond with an overwhelming force
