World War I
The Roaring Twenties
The Treaty of Versailles
Democracy in Action
Foreign Affairs

These defensive features, a response to the dangers posed by machine guns and powerful, accurate artillery, stretched along the full length of the Western Front during World War I.

What were trenches?


Under this system of laws, the manufacture, transport, and sale of alcohol was outlawed throughout the United States.

What was Prohibition?


After World War I, Germany was required to make huge payments to Great Britain and France for war damages, which are known by this name.

What are reparations?


This term is used to describe the political process in which citizens put a proposed new law directly on the ballot.

What is an initiative?


The political, military, and economic domination of strong nations over weaker territories is known by this name.

What is imperialism?


This term is used to describe a group of merchant ships sailing together, protected by warships.

What is a convoy?


This American musical form was developed by African Americans, based on improvisation and the blending of various other styles of music.

What is jazz?


President Woodrow Wilson outlined this list of terms for resolving World War I and avoiding future wars; only one was actually included in the eventual peace treaty.

What were the Fourteen Points?


This political movement responded to the pressures of industrialization and urbanization by promoting reforms.

What was Progressivism?


This term was used to describe President Taft's approach to international relations, which focused on foreign trade and investment to advance American interests.

What was "dollar diplomacy"?


This name was given to the battle lines between the Allied and Central Powers in western Europe during World War I.

What was the Western Front?


This term is used to describe the movement of large numbers of African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the Northeast and Midwest due to the labor needs of World War I.

What was the Great Migration?


This world organization was established after World War I to promote peaceful cooperation between nations.

What was the League of Nations?


This political process allows voters to remove elected officials from office before their terms end.

What is a recall?


This term was used to describe the areas of China controlled by various powerful European and Asian nations during the 1800s.

What were spheres of influence?


The assassination of this Austrian nobleman was the immediate cause of World War I.

Who was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


American authors of the early 1900s were known by this term, given to express their sense of disconnection and dissatisfaction with America after World War I. 

What were the Lost Generation?


Part of the reason that President Wilson's ideas for peace were not accepted by European nations was that the United States was seen as a latecomer, having only entered World War I at this point in the conflict.

What was the third year?


This political process, a product of the reform movements of the late 1800s, allows voters to accept or reject certain state and local laws.

What is a referendum?


President Wilson's approach to international relations was given this name, which reflects his desire to use the power of the United States to advance the cause of liberty throughout the world.

What is "moral diplomacy"?


U.S. troops who were sent to Europe during World War I under the command of General Pershing were known by this name.

What were the American Expeditionary Forces?


The Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and the National Origins Act of 1924 were two U.S. laws aimed at limiting this activity.

What is immigration?


The right of people to choose their own form of government is known by this name.

What is self-determination?


These elections are ones in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections.

What are primaries?


The United States' role as the largest creditor of Europe prevented it from returning to this policy of avoiding international involvements after World War I.

What is isolationism?
