Notable People
Ideas New and Old
Legal Maneuvers
The Road to War
The Roosevelt Era

This 26th president of the United States introduced numerous progressive reforms and created the United States Forest Service.

Who was Theodore Roosevelt?


The making of goods in large numbers through the use of machinery and assembly lines is often referred to by this name.

What is mass production?

Prohibition was formally authorized upon the passage of this constitutional amendment in 1917.

What was the Eighteenth Amendment?


Glorification of war and of a nation's armed services is often known by this term.

What is militarism?


This was the name given to Theodore Roosevelt's policy of creating and using, when necessary, a strong military to achieve America's goals.

What was "big stick diplomacy"?


This person, who founded the Communist Party in Russia, led the 1917 Russian Revolution and later became dictator of Soviet Russia.

Who was Vladimir Lenin?


This type of writer is one who uncovers and exposes misconduct in politics or business.

What is a muckraker?


This name was given to the arrangements that limited the number of immigrants who could enter the United States from specific countries.

What is the quota system?


This document, which proposed to Mexico that it should invade the U.S. in order to recover territories lost in the Mexican-American War, was a major reason why the U.S. entered World War I on the side of the Allies.

What was the Zimmerman Note?


This cavalry regiment led by Theodore Roosevelt, consisting of rugged westerners and upper-class easterners, fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.

Who were the Rough Riders?


Although this U.S. president oversaw an era of considerable prosperity, he is best known for the internal corruption that plagued his administration.

Who was Warren G. Harding?


President Roosevelt was responsible for initiating construction of this man-made waterway, which shortens the sea voyage from Jupiter, Florida to San Francisco, California, by 8,000 miles.

What is the Panama Canal?


This term describes the system of purchasing stocks by paying a small part of the actual price while the broker advances the rest of the cost.

What is buying on margin?

Violence started by members of a secret society in China led to this uprising, which was eventually quashed by troops from Europe and America.

What was the Boxer Rebellion?


In the 1912 presidential election, Theodore Roosevelt ran as a candidate for this political party.

What was the Progressive Party?


While serving as the 28th president of the United States, this man led the nation through World War I.

Who was Woodrow Wilson?


This innovation in the automobile industry of the late 1800s helped to make cars more affordable by streamlining the production process.

What is the assembly line?


The 1925 trial of a Tennessee schoolteacher for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution was given this mocking title by the press.

What was the Scopes Monkey Trial?


This term is used to describe aggressive nationalism that often manifests as support for a warlike foreign policy.

What is jingoism?


Theodore Roosevelt's approach to protecting forests and other natural resources for public use is known by this term.

What is conservationism?


This Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge was best known for getting business owners and unions to collaborate on labor issues.

Who was Herbert Hoover?


This sort of movement is one that stresses strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles.

What is fundamentalism?


This 1920 constitutional amendment gave women the right to vote.

What was the Nineteenth Amendment?


Although the United States helped this nation to free itself from Spanish colonialism, after the Spanish-American War it was made an American territory.

What are the Philippines?


Theodore Roosevelt gave this name to his program of reforms to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor.

What was the Square Deal?
