World War I
The Roaring 20s
The Great Depression
World War II
Civil Rights Movement
Tensions in Europe were high, with many countries convinced that war was inevitable. Some countries engaged in this, aggressively strengthening their armed forces.
What is militarism?
After the devastation of WWI, the U.S. and 14 other nations signed this, an agreement that outlawed war.
What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
This day, October 29, 1929, was the day the stock market crashed. It earned this nickname.
What is Black Tuesday?
This is a political system in which the government controls every aspect of citizens' lives. Examples would be the fascist government of Italy, the socialist/fascist government of Germany, and the communist government of the Soviet Union.
What is totalitarianism?
School segregation was the first issue of focus for civil rights activists. This was successful when this Supreme Court case made segregation illegal in schools and other public places.
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
This man was heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. On a visit to Sarajevo, he was shot and killed by Serb nationalist, Gavrilo Princip. His assassination was known as the spark that started WWI.
Who is Archduke Francis Ferdinand?
Henry Ford began producing his Model T automobile using the system of conveyer belts to move parts and partly assembled cars from one group of workers to another.
What is the moving assembly line?
This word refers to the natural up-and-down pattern of the economy.
What is the business cycle?
Before becoming actively involved in the war, this act allowed the president to aid any country believed to be vital to U.S. defense.
What is the Lend-Lease Act?
The school board in Little Rock, AK, began the process of integration by allowing nine students to begin attending Central High. Many opposed, and the Arkansas National Guard blocked these students from attending. These nine students became known by this nickname.
What are the Little Rock Nine?
This type of warfare, common in WWI, was done by defending a position by fighting from the protection of deep ditches.
What is trench warfare?
This word refers to young women in the 1920s who challenged traditional ideas of how women were supposed to behave. They cut their hair short, and wore make-up and short dresses.
What are flappers?
The severity of the economic downturn that affected the U.S. and world was so devastating that it earned this nickname.
What is the Great Depression?
This was a unit of African-American fighter pilots who flew thousands of successful combat missions in North Africa and Italy.
Who are the Tuskegee Airmen?
This occurred when many people in Montgomery, Alabama became upset about the arrest of Rosa Parks when she refused to give up her seat on the bus.
What is the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
This was a British passenger liner that was sunk by a German U-boat in May, 1915. It was one of the events that led the U.S. into the war.
What is the Lusitania?
Alcohol became illegal during the Roaring 20s. This was called "prohibition." Prohibition ended in 1933, with the passage of this amendment to the Constitution.
What is the Twenty-first Amendment?
Following his election in 1932, FDR began working with Congress to create these programs that would battle the Depression and aid in economic recovery.
What is the New Deal?
This battle in the Soviet Union was the first battle won by the Allies in Europe, and became known as the turning point in the war in Europe.
What is the Battle of Stalingrad?
This was a protest in which black and white bus riders traveled together to segregated bus stations in the South in an effort to get President Kennedy to enforce the Supreme Court ruling that made the segregation of bus stations illegal.
What are Freedom Rides?
This truce went into effect at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. It effectively ended WWI.
What is the armistice?
Entertainment boomed in the 1920s, with the accessibility of radios, movies, and music. The popularity of jazz music gave the era this nickname.
What is the Jazz Age?
This is the name given to the time when farming practices and drought led to massive dust storms in the midwest.
What is the Dust Bowl?
Japan finally surrendered after the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on these two cities, instantly killing over 100,000 civilians.
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
In 1964, President Johnson signed this act that banned segregation in public places and outlawed discrimination in the workplace on the basis of color, gender, religion, or national origin.
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?