Civil War
Supreme Court Cases
American Revolution
Union president during the Civil WAr
Who is Abraham Lincoln
Who modeled his factory with the assembly line, eight-hour workday, and five dollars a day pay wages.
Who is Henry Ford
the rapid population increase that took place bewteen 1945 and 1960
What is the Baby Boom
Established the power of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress or of the executive branch unconstitutional; Marshall; midnight appointments
What is Marbury v. Madison (1803)
The first bloodshed of the Amercan Revolution, as British guards at the Boston Customs House opened fire on a crowd killing five americans
What is the Boston Massacre
Union leaders defeated General lee. A turning point battle during the Civil War
What is Gettysburg Battle
This election saw only the second time that former president's son became president. He saw the rise of terrorism to a new level with attacks upon American soil.
Who is George W. Bush
BeatnicksMostly white artists who sought to live unconventional lives as fugitives from a culture they despised in the 1950's
What is Beatnicks
Ruled that African Americans cannot be U.S. citizens and that Congress has no power to forbid slavery in U.S. territories; said the MO Compromise unconst.
What is Dred Scott v. Sandford
demonstration (1773) by citizens of Boston who (disguised as Indians) raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped hundreds of chests of tea into the harbor
What is the Boston Tea Party
A dicivise battle in the America Civil War (1863); after being besieged for nearly seven weeks the Confederates surrendered.
What is Vicksburg Battle
An industrialist and Republican politician from Ohio. The campaign manager of McKinley in the 1896, in what is considered the forerunner of the modern political campaign, and subsequently became one of the most powerful members of the U.S. Senate.
Who is Mark Hanna
An economic extension of the New Deal proposed by Harry Truman that called for higher minimum wage, housing and full employment. It led only to the Housing Act of 1949 and the Social Security Act of 1950 due to opposition in congress.
What is Fair Deal
Established that states may regulate privately owned businesses in the public's interest
What is Munn v. Illinois (1877)
Member of a militia during the American Revolution who could be ready to fight in sixty seconds
What is the Minutemen
A special order by the president Lincoln that emancipated salves in states that were fighting against the union.After the civil war, slavery was ended every where in the USA.
What is Emanicitation Proclamation
promised to "Vietnamize" the war but was slow to do so and instead expand America's involvement with his raids and bombings of Laos and Cambodia.
Who is Richard Nixon
The campaign program advocated by JFK in the 1960 election. He promised to revitalize the stagnant economy and enact reform legislation in education, health care, and civil rights.
What is the New Frontier
Ruled that separate but equal facilities for African Americans are constitutional
What is Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
First major battle of the American Revolution; took place outside Boston
What is the Battle of Bunker Hill
Union General Sherman was ordered to inflict "all the damage you can against their war resources." The northern Georgia battles started in the summer of 1865 against Confederate generals Hood and Johnson. In September of 1864 he reached Atlanta and his army set the city on fire. The capture of Atlanta improved northern morale and helped Lincoln become reelected.
What is the Atlanta Campaign
The Greatest Baseball player of the 1920's era was called the Sultan of Swat, but his real name was
Who is George Herman Ruth
A program in which the United States tried to help Latin American countries overcome poverty and other problems, money used to aid big business and the military
What is Alliance for Progress
The Court ruled that evidence seized illegally could not be used in state courts. This is called the exclusionary rule.
What is Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
Nickname for the battle of Lexington and Concord; first time a colony revolted against its mother nation
What is the Shot Heard Round the World