Presidential Firsts
Cabinet Members
Political Parties

The official name of the signature policy of the first African-American President.

What is the Affordable Care Act?


The first president to live in the White House.

Who is (John) Adams?


This infamous secretary is the most recent individual to successfully be elected President. 

Who is (Herbert) Hoover?


This actor turned governor is well known for his funny accent and not having a tumor. 

Who is (Arnold) Schwarzenegger? 


The most recent political party that wasn't the Democrats or the Republicans to have a President in office.

What is the Whig party?


Rather than keep the country together as was originally intended, this 1854 law allowing free voting on a controversial topic led to bloodshed and left the country further divided than before.

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?


The first president to have his voice recorded.

Who is Benjamin Harrison?


Call it bad luck, but this man has served with more presidents who have died than any other, with 2. Ironically, both times, he served in the same role.

Who is (Daniel) Webster?


This first governor of New York shares his name with a particular modern day singer/songwriter. No, not THAT one!

Who is (George) Clinton?

In 1912, 1924, and 1948, 3 different men ran under a political party with this particular name, despite the fact that each version of the party was technically different from the others. 

What is the Progressive Party? 


Still on the books even today, these controversial acts passed during the country's infancy prevented slanderous talk against the government and non-citizens from living in the US.

What are the Alien and Sedition Acts (of 1798)?


The first president to leave the country while in office.

Who is (Theodore) Roosevelt?


Don't make this particular Secretary mad or he might claim "I'm in charge" the moment the President's back is turned.

Who is (Alexander) Haig?



This infamous governor of a southern state was the stepping stone for the now monumental Supreme Court case 'Brown v. Board of Education.' (Answer will be read aloud by the host.)


While never electing a president or Congress member, a former wrestler turned governor of MN sneaked out a surprise win with this party, even though he would later leave the party not long into his term. 

What is the Reform Party? 



The first law of its kind, this xenophobically motivated act passed in the 1880s severely limited the amount of immigrants from the Eastern part of the world. (Answer will be read aloud by the host.)


The first president to be a teetotaler (at least, according to the times). 

Who is (Abraham) Lincoln?


This man, ironically sharing his name with a future president who would serve after he left office, holds the record for the longest serving cabinet member.

Who is (James) Wilson?


Although more well known today as a religious leader, this man was actually a governor of a state territory back in the 18th century before being booted out of office by the President.

Who is (Brigham) Young?


This unique political party can consider itself groundbreaking for holding the distinction of officially nominating the first woman for president in US history. 

What is the Equal Rights Party (of 1872)?


Not a federal act, but a state one: Executive Order 44, ordered by this governor, forced thousands of Mormons out of their homes and further west into Utah territory. 

Who is (Lilburn) Boggs? 


The first president to have a child born in the White House. 

Who is (Grover) Cleveland?


As of Oct. 2024, this individual is the earliest serving Secretary of State still living, having served under George H. W. Bush from 1989-1992.

Who is (James) Baker?


While several state governors later become president, this man marks the only individual who was a governor and a president, but not of the United States. His name is the origin of the state's largest city. 

Who is (Sam) Houston? 


After losing renomination for his senate seat with the Democrats in 2006, this former losing vice-presidential candidate won re-election to the same seat with a specially formed political party named after his home state and his own last name.

Who is (Joe) Lieberman? (Connecticut for Lieberman)
