What are the 5 causes of World War 1?
Did the outcomes of both the Spanish-American War and the First World War increase or decrease U.S. agricultural and industrial production?
Leader of the Rough Riders, VP who became the 26th President after an assassination. Kept a bear in the White House.
Theodore Roosevelt.
As a result of the Spanish-American War, the Unites States acquired these territories.
the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
The Zimmerman Telegram showed German intentions to do what, helping to change American opinions about involvement in WWI?
Enter into an alliance with Mexico
As a result of the Spanish American War, the United States acquired these islands; however, the people wanted independence and waged war against the United States.
President during the Spanish American War. Was assassinated.
William McKinley
What nation gained independence as a result of the Spanish American War?
Who was the United States President during World War 1?
Woodrow Wilson
The United States annexed these islands in 1898 to secure a military base in Pearl Harbor.
Open Door Policy or Open Door Notes were an attempt by the U.S. government to establish equal trade for everyone in what empire?
How did the Spanish American War contribute to the growth of American power around the world?
Showed that the U.S. had the military power do defeat a European Colonial Power or Expanded U.S. territory around the world.
The armistice ending the First World War went into effect on November 11 of what year? what is the name of the Treaty that ended WW1?
Treaty of Versailles
What was one of the arguments against imperialism in the United States?
goes against American values such as democracy and freedom
Take care of problems at home
Racist implications
What is the name of the anti-Christian, anti-foreign rebel group who started an uprising in China killing many foreigners?
The Boxers
The practice of sensationalizing and exaggerating stories about the Spanish American War in an attempt to sell more newspapers was known as what?
Yellow Journalism
This internal conflict contributed to Russia exiting World War 1 and the establishment of the Soviet Union.
Bolshevik Revolution
Racist ideology, popularized by Rudyard Kipling's poem of the same name, that claimed it was the moral duty of white Europeans to "civilize" and control non-white populations through colonization, often justifying imperialism
White Man's Burden
What is the last name of an American businessman that helped overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy? Hint: fruit.
Sanford Dole