What is the definition of Denotation?
What is the literal meaning of a word found in a dictionary.
What is a logical fallacy?
What is an error in the reasoning of an argument
What are the three types of logical reasonings used to explain arguments?
What are deductive, inductive and abductive.
What are three rhetorical DEVICES that help rhetoric?
What is figurative language, irony and rhetorical questions.
What is the definition of Author's Purpose?
The main reason an author writes a text
What is the definition of connotation?
What is the ideas or feelings connected to a word.
What is an Ad Hominem Fallacy?
What is a personal attack (An attack on or criticism of someone’s character rather than the logic or content of the argument)
What is inductive reasoning?
What is "using examples." This helps you make your argument stronger by showing many examples.
What is a metaphor?
What is a type of figurative language that compares two things without using "like" or "as."
What are the three types of author's purposes we studied this quarter?
What is
What are the three types of connotations?
What are positive, neutral and negative.
What is a circular reasoning fallacy?
What is ideas as proof (Using the same thing you're trying to prove as the reason why it's true.)
What is deductive reasoning?
What is "using rules." This helps you prove your point by starting with something everyone agrees on.
"When authors ask questions not because they expect an answer but to make the reader think" this is known as what type of rhetorical device?
What is a Rhetorical Question.
When an author's purpose is to persuade it means the author is trying to _______________ the reader.
What is convince
What is the definition of syntax?
What is sentence structure (how a sentence is written)
What is a red-herring logical fallacy?
What is a distractor (Distracting from the argument by bringing up something unrelated.)
What is Abductive Reasoning?
What is "making the best guess." This is useful when you need to explain why something happened in your argument.
"The river whispered secrets to the trees as it meandered through the forest, its gentle murmurs carrying tales of ancient wisdom." What type of rhetorical device is being used here?
What is personification
When an author's purpose is to inform it means the author is trying to _______________ the reader.
What is teach/educate
What is diction?
What is the word choice the author uses in a text.
What is a strawman fallacy?
What is the fake out (Misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack.)
All athletes are healthy. Lebron James is a basketball player. Therefore, he is healthy. What type of reasoning is used here?
What is inductive reasoning
"The classroom was a beehive of activity, buzzing with eager minds and the constant hum of learning." What TWO rhetorical devices are being used in this sentence.
What is a metaphor and onomatopoeia
When an author's purpose is to entertain it means the author is trying to bring _______________ to the reader.
What is enjoyment