What are the colors of the American flag?
Red, white and blue
How many states does the United States of America have?
Who is USA's president right now?
Donald Trump
The weather is nice today.
Vejret er godt i dag.
Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal have på i dag.
I dont know what to wear today.
What is the popular holiday where you go trick or treating called?
What is the capital of the United states?
Washington D.C.
Who was president before Donald Trump?
Joe biden
I need to go to work now.
Jeg skal på arbejde nu.
Hun gik alene hjem.
She walked home alone.
What is the holiday where you eat turkey, mash and pumpkin pie called?
What is the name of the person who says "i have a dream"
Martin Luther King
What are the name of the presidents residence?
The White House
We are going on vacation next week.
Vi skal på ferie i næste uge.
Jeg glemte mine nøgler derhjemme.
I forgot my keys at home.
What is the most popular sport in USA?
American football
What is the largest state in USA?
Who was the first president of USA?
George Washington
He was tired because he didnt sleep well last night.
Han var træt fordi han ikke sov godt i nat.
Hun overvejer at flytte til et andet land næste år.
She is considering moving to another country next year.
Which city is known as "The big apple"?
New York City
How many stars are on the U.S. flag?
Who was the youngest president in USA's history?
Theodore Roosevelt
He speaks as if he had years of experience, even though he just started.
Han taler, som om han havde mange års erfaring, selvom han lige er begyndt.
Havde han ikke misset toget, ville han være ankommet til mødet til tiden.
Had he not missed the train, he would have arrived on time for the meeting.