The number of regions the USA consist of
Columbus was born in this town:
Genoa, Italy
Who were the Separatists?
Protestants in England
Mention three different tribes.
e.g. Cherokee, Sioux, Apache
What does the expression triangular trade refer to?
a trade between three ports or regions
Two famous mountain ranges in the USA:
The Rocky Mountains, The Appalachian Mountains
Who did he approach first with the idea of reaching Asia by sailing west from Europe?
The Portuguese king, King John II.
What was their original destination?
New York
Where were the Cherokee Indians relocated after the Indian Removal Act (1830, Andrew Jackson)?
Oklahoma (west of the Mississippi)
What were the three parts of the Transatlatic slave trade, the most historically significant triangular trade?
Europe, Africa, Asia
The Niagara Falls consist of three separate waterfalls. Name at least two of them.
Horseshoe Falls, Bridal Veils Falls, American Falls
What were his wishes concerning the voyage?
3 ships
governorship of the newly discovered land
10% of any riches he found there
What was the name of the new colony?
What are the major differences between a tepee and a wigwam?
Tepees are portable tent-like homes, which have a frame of high poles that is covered with animal skin. Wigwams are oval-shaped dwellings, covered with bark or skin.
What was the 'middle leg' of the triangular trade?
Slaves were transported from Africa to America.
How many spikes are there on the crown of the Statue of Liberty?
Who were the Spanish monarchs who granted him his wishes?
Isabella and Ferdinand
How many colonists signed The Mayflower compact?
Who did the Native Americans worship?
What was traded from America to Europe?
raw materials (sugar, cotton, crops)
Who were the first residents of the White House?
President John Adams and his wife
What were the names of the three ships he used on his first voyage?
Santa Maria, Pinta, Nina (Santa Clara)
When was the first Thanksgiving?
in autumn, 1621
Name some famous Sioux chiefs.
Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Red Cloud
How long did the journey from Africa to America last?
Typically, it lasted for 60-90 days.