a. Integrity First.
b. Service Before Self.
c. Excellence in all we do.
What are the USAF core values?
a. Pursued on-or-off duty
b. Detract from the authority of superiors
c. Result in (or appear to show) favoritism, misuse of office or position, or the abandonment of organizational goals for personal interests.
How would you describe an unprofessional relationship?
a. Sheep
b. Yes people
c. Survivor
d. Alienated followers
e. Effective followers
What are the 5 type of followers?
When was the UCMJ created?
a. Breadth – addresses various interpretations of an issue; perspectives.
b. Depth – addresses the complexities of an issues; root cause.
What is the difference between depth and breadth?
What are the 4 C's (Guardians)?
Fraternization is a type of unprofessional relationship that is between officer and enlisted personnel.
What is the difference between unprofessional relationship and fraternization?
Know the commanders intent, be prepared for what they may ask.
What does it mean to anticipate the boss's questions?
a. LOC
b. LOA
c. LOR
d. UIF
e. Control roster
f. RIC
What are administrative tools (non-punitive)?
thoughts that are mutually supporting and makes sense in combination; does it make sense.
What is logic?
Does not mean perfection; airmen seek continuous improvement in mental and physical aspects.
What is “excellence in all we do”?
OODA loop and 8 step PPSM
What are two major problem-solving methods?
a. When the flight instructor asks who wants to volunteer to be flight leader;
What does it mean to accept responsibility when it is offered?
a. Certain Crimes are unique to the military
b. Relevant perspectives
c. World-wide presence
Why is there a need for a military justice system?
Take people's will, belief, thinking and psychology as direct combat targets, and seek to a^ect decision-making and actions by changing the opponent's cognition.
What is cognitive domain operations?
Common purpose greater than ourselves; Stronger together, being inclusive, leveraging the best.
What is "Connection" (Guardians)?
When there is a time-constraint for when the decision must be made.
When would you use the OODA loop method?
a. Passive participant & critical thinker that is capable of high performance.
b. Criticizes, but rarely offer constructive input.
c. Jaded/hurt by the system - not involved.
What are alienated followers?
Protects airmen; vs Staff JA whose primary responsibility is advising the commander.
What does the ADC do?
The way a particular person understands events, facts, and other people, which is based on their own particular set of beliefs and experiences and may not be reasonable or accurate
What is confirmation bias?
Doing what needs to be done; saying what needs saying, and accepting challenges.
What is courage?
a. (observe) Clarify and validate the problem.
b. (observe) Break down problem and ID performance gaps.
c. (orient) Set improvement targets.
d. (orient) Determine root causes.
e. (Decide) Develop countermeasures.
f. (Act) See countermeasures through.
g. (Act) Confirm results and process.
h. (Act) Standardize successful processes.
What are the 8 steps of the PPSM model?
a. Support, don't undermine
b. Disagree privately
c. Display initiative d. Accept responsibility
e. Tell the truth
f. Anticipate the boss's questions
g. Know their limitations/strengths
h. Keep boss informed
i. Selfless in service
j. Don't forget their families
What are characteristics of an effective follower?
a. ART 15
b. Court-martial
What is a punitive action?
a. Clarity
b. Accuracy – addresses the validity of the information at hand.
c. Precision
d. Relevance – evaluates what's most related to the issue
e. Depth
f. Breadth
g. Logic Significance – most important pieces of an argument or issue.
h. Fairness – gut check to avoid personal interests, ego, and unjustified assumptions.
i. Pneumonic device - LSD, RBF, CAP
What are intellectual standards?