
 The newspaper (lie/lay) on the kitchen table.



The teacher told me to sit this here.

The teacher told me to sit here.


They traveled a long ways today to arrive here.

They traveled a long way today to arrive here.


What is standard English?

Standard English is language that is grammatically correct and appropriate in formal and informal situations. (Answers may vary)


The food was sort of yucky.

The food was rather unpleasing

How much are them paintings? Are they placed this here?

How much are those paintings? Are they placed here?


They could of come if the car had of been on time.

They could have come if the car had been on time.


How do you change "step on it" to formal English?

It is "accelerate"


The cat washed it's face and could of soak itself.

The cat washed its face and could have soaked itself.


The book was dirty, but their clean now. You have been alot of help with the cleaning. I should of prepared better.

The book was dirty, but they are clean now. You have been a lot of help with the cleaning. I should have prepared better.


A camping map is when a map shows campsites and features of the area.  

A camping map is a map that displays campsites and features of the area.


What is the importance of knowing formal and standard English? 

Proficiency in formal and standard English is crucial for effective communication, academic success, professional advancement, and navigating diverse social contexts, and more. (Answers may vary.)


I must of forgotten to pick up the groceries, and I might of left them at the store.

I must have forgotten to pick up the groceries, and I might have left them at the store.


I couldn't decide among the two options, but I should of considered this here third alternative between them.

I couldn't decide between the two options, but I should have considered this third alternative among them.


You're sister told me she is not going to the party because she is feeling sick, but your welcome to come with us anyways.

Your sister told me she is not going to the party because she is feeling sick, but you're welcome to come with us anyway.


What is an indefinite pronoun?

Indefinite pronoun refers to a person, place, thing, or an idea that may or may not be specifically named.


I have gone outside of the house and its sort of chilly today. You might of need to take your jacket with you. Than, we can play outside somewheres.

I have gone outside  the house, and it's rather chilly today. You might need to bring your jacket with you. Then, we can play outside somewhere.


They founded treasure inside of the caves. Than, they divided the treasure between theirself.

They found treasure inside the caves. Then, they divided the treasure among themselves.


He have went to the store to buy some milk but she ain't coming with me.

He has gone to the store to buy some milk, but she isn't coming with me.


Could you bring these documents between the offices, and then take them to the meeting? I've already went ahead.

Could you take these documents among the offices, and then bring them to the meeting? I've already gone ahead.
