This is the fee charged for an insufficient funds or overdraft privilege item:
Which department handles an expedited credit card request
Payment Solutions
What kind of animal can allegedly tell us if there will be an early spring or 6 more weeks of winter?
A groundhog
What Company is USALLIANCE now partnering with to offer loan products?
Credit Karma
Who was the United States President in 2015?
Barack Obama
This is the fee charged to get a counter or cashier's check from USALLIANCE:
What department would you contact for a member asking why their monthly mortgage payment went up?
Mortgage Servicing
Complete the animal-based saying:
March comes in like a ____ and goes out like a ____
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb
Name one of the factors that can affect your position in the shift bid process:
Annual review ranking, adherence, disciplinary action
What Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars hit was the most played song of 2015, leaving everyone feeling smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy?
Uptown Funk
If a 52 year-old member opts for paper statements for their checking account, this is the fee they will be charged monthly:
What department would you contact for someone calling in regarding a deceased member's account?
Deposit Account Services
What is the scientific name for the first day of spring, where there are equal hours of sun and darkness?
The Spring equinox
What are the 2 screens you need to look at to check if another rep has already set up a CD maturity request for a member?
Pre-authorized transactions and minor change
What company started producing watches to accompany their iPhones in 2015?
This is the fee charged to apply for a MyLife Ready Cash loan:
A member wants a counter check overnighted to them. After printing the check, what department would you send a service request to in order to complete the expediting process?
Record Retention / Mail Processing
What sport holds the "March Madness" tournament annually around early springtime?
College basketball
A member is asking how much money they can withdraw in cash from a shared branch, how should you handle this request?
recommend the member contact the shared branch to ask about withdrawal limits
What was the subtitle for the 7th film in the Star Wars Franchise, which premiered in December of 2015 and was the top grossing film of the year?
The Force Awakens
if a member qualifies for skip-a-payment, this is the fee they will be charged upon processing their request to skip a month:
You receive a call from a person claiming to be a Police officer from a local town, what department should you contact?
Compliance and Fraud
What flowering tree, traditionally associated with Japan, blooms in early spring?
The cherry blossom (sakura)
What is the new external account requirement for members to make payments and deposits on the deposit center at USALLIANCE.ORG?
They must be listed as PRIMARY on the external account
What team won Super Bowl 49, played in February of 2015?
The New England Patriots