
There are three statement given below. The correct statement is . . . .

  • all animals are both useful and harmful to us
  • some animals are both useful and harmful to us
  • all animals are useful to us

some animals are both useful and harmful to us


Part of pong-pong that is poisonous is ….

the seed


Look at the picture!

The properties of air that shown by the picture above is . . . .

air has force


draw the particle of liquid states!


There are three statements given below. The correct statements about winter is . . .

  • it is a good time to drink hot chocolate
  • it is a good time to rake the dried leaves
  • it is a good time to eat ice cream

it is a good time to drink hot chocolate


Joe goes camping on holiday. She got bite by a rat, one of harmful animal. Kind of harmful she got from the rat is . . .

  • be poisoned
  • got diarrhea
  • has a lot of rashes


  • Look at the picture.

The picture given above show us the kids sit under the tree to keep her from the sun. The correct statement about the picture is….

  • plants give us food
  • plants give us shadow
  • plants give us material

plants give us shadow


Mention two activities that you can do using wind

1. flying kite

2. sailing boat


Joe put some water into an ice tray and keep it into the fridge. After a while, changes occurred. The changes that occur in water is . . .

  • from liquid into solid
  • from solid into liquid
  • from liquid into gas

from liquid into solid


- it is a good time to wear a thin clothes

- put some sunscreen

- do a sunbathing

the season that match with the statements given above is . . .



mention one reason why sheep are useful to us!

because sheep can give us material 


This plant can be found in the yard. It can be useful but also harmful. All the parts is poisonous and make us sick. The plant in question is ….

dumb cane


Mention three activities you can do to keep the air clean!

1. take public transportation

2. more walking or cycling

3. plant more trees


when we mix oil with water, something that will happen is . . .

the oil will floats


in _________ the tree is bare. the weather is _______

complete the statements with correct answer

winter, cold


why this animal can be both useful and harmful? give me the reason!

useful: this animal can give us honey

harmful: this animal can sting us and it can be poisonous


We can do many ways to taking care of the plants. One of the right way that we can do is . . .

  • put the plants in the place without sunlight at all
  • watering the plants once a month
  • do not pluck the flowers or leaves of plants

do not pluck the flowers or leaves of plants


Based on the experiment we did before, draw one evidence that shown the properties of air!


Water are around us. Mention 4 places where can we find water!

1. in the ground

2. sea

3. river

4. lake


mention 4 things that you know about autumn

1. it starts from September, October, and November

2. the weather is cool and windy

3. it is a good time to rake the dried leaves

4. it is good to wear jacket and trousers


Having a pet means that we have responsibility to take care of them. If you have a pet, tell me 4 way you can do to take care of them!

1. keep them clean

2. feed them everyday

3. take them for a walk

4. take them to the vet when they're sick


As we know, plants can be useful to us. we get a lot of things from plants. Write down 4 reasons, why plants are useful to us.

1. plants can give us shadow

2. plants can give us food

3. plants can give us material

4. plants can beautify places


mention 5 properties of air!

1. air occupies space

2. air has force

3. air has weight

4. air can move things

5. air can't be seen but can be felt


mention 5 acivities we can do using water

1. drinking

2. take a bath

3. cooking

4. watering plants

5. mopping the floor


draw a cycle of seasons tree!
