Scholars & Theories
Super Readers
Super Duper Readers

She is considered the "mother" of multicultural literature. What is her name? For 50 bonus points, where was she a professor before retiring?

Who is Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop

What is THE Ohio State University


This is the genre of the "Theories of Motivation in Education: An Integrative Framework"? article

What is a review of research?


This quality is developed when reading fiction.

What is empathy?


Children should form friendships with their peers and ___________

What are teachers?


These two "things" on campus  contain real gold. 

Football helmets and Golden Dome


His theory explains why people perform worse in situations, despite their abilities and how to address this problem. What is his name and what is the theory?

Who is Dr. Claude Steele?

What is stereotype threat?


These are the six parts (in order) of the basic motivational model. 

What is: 

Situation - Self - Goal - Action - Outcome - Consequences


Students can make heart maps to show ________. They can include these two things. For 50 extra points, share two more things they can include. 

Heart maps show what students hold dear in their hearts

What are: people who have inspired them, places that have touched them, hopes and dreams, wonderings


These are two (of several reasons from the book) why belonging is important.

What are: children thrive, feel safe, cope with stress, feel valued, meet human need


This is the full name of ND.

What is The University of Notre Dame du Lac?


His theory explains how the dominant narrative controlled by the dominant group controls the thinking and actions of others. What is his name and what is his theory? For 50 bonus points, what was his nationality?

Who is Antonio Gramsci?

What is the theory of hegemony?

What is Italian?


Out of the 6 models, this model is entirely intrinsic and the most basic theory of all. Give an example. 

What is the Interest Theory? 


This biological function is associated with reading and writing in the text

What is breathing? (reading is breathing in; writing is breathing out)


Families can do this to nurture a Super Reader during bath time. 

What is read alouds?


If you walk here, you will not graduate. It's a fact. 

What are the steps of the Main Building?


His multicultural education framework includes 5 dimensions. Who is the scholar? For the 400 points, name 3 of the 5 dimensions. For an additional 50 points each, name the other 2. 

Who is Dr. James Banks?

What is: content integration, the knowledge construction process, prejudice reduction, an equity pedagogy and an empowering school culture and social structure?


This theory explains how an individual focuses on the end result - sometimes to their own detriment. The theory is called __________ and these are the two types of behaviors associated with this theory. 

What is Achievement Goal Theory? 

What is: task-oriented individuals and ego-oriented learners?


Empathy, concern, being a good listener, and showing support are all examples of __________

What are characteristics of good friendship?


There are these many "phases" of the Annotated Bibliography and students need to include this many books. 

What is 3 phases and a final phase OR 4 phases?

What is 28 books?


This serious disease is also known as FMOOWMP. What is the disease and how can it be cured? For an additional 50 points, where might you visit a doctor (specific office address required). 

What is Fear of Meeting One On One With My Professor

Cure: office hours

Sandner Hall 206B


She wrote the Foreword for Every Child a Super Reader and is best know for founding this organization. What is her name, what is the organization, and what do they do?

Who is Marian Wright Edelman, what is The Children's Defense Fund, what is: overhaul foster care, support adoption, improve child care and protect children who are disabled, homeless, abused or neglected.


This theory explains how individuals make causal ascriptions about events in the environment. Hint: it has to do with the locus of control. For an extra 50 points, give an example. 

What is the Attribution Theory?



These are the 7 strengths of a Super Reader

What are: belonging, friendship, kindness, curiosity, confidence, courage and hope?

These are the (how many) major assignments for this class, which are (name them). 

For 50 bonus points: Students are allowed (this many) unexcused absences per semester because you can't learn if you're not there! 

What is 3: reading reflection, annotated bibliography and research paper?

What is 2 unexcused.

She is the author of The Day You Begin. She lives in this state and has a strong belief about who has the right to write stories about particular groups. Who is she, which state, and what is her belief?

Jacqueline Woodson, NY, only "insiders" of a group should be writing the group's stories (authenticity, accuracy, sensitivity, nuance)
