Meaning of experiential learning
What is learning by doing?
ONS stands for
What is the Office of National Scholars?
Name of 3 places you can study abroad with USF
What is Paris, Quebec, London, Spain, Greece, Morocco, Dominican Republic, South Korea, Ireland, Iceland, Colombia, etc.?
HIPUR stands for
What is High Impacts Practices and Undergraduate Research?
List of USF campuses from largest to smallest
What is Tampa, St. Pete, and Sarasota-Manatee?
Number of experiential learning categories with the Honors College
What is five?
Location of the ONS office
What office is on the 2nd floor of the Honors College?
True or False: Beyond the Classroom Honors trips usually last an average of 10 to 21 days?
Location of HIPUR office
What office is on the 2nd floor of the library?
The first and last name of USF's president
Who is Rhea Law?
Number of required experiential learning requirement experiences to graduate with Honors
True or False: ONS is only an available resource to Honors students.
Difference between Study Abroad vs Study Away with the Honors College
What is
- Study abroad: international travel?
- Study away: trip within different parts of US?
True of False: USF only has research opportunities in STEM?
The year USF was founded
True or False: The experiential learning requirements you complete cannot be from the same category.
What is the ONS website?
Name of University in southwest England that the Honors College has a semester exchange program with
What is the University of Exeter?
USF is an AAU which stands for...
What is the Association of American Universities?
Total amount in scholarships you get for completing all Honors Requirements (experiential learning and Honors curriculum)
What is $2000?
Name 3 of the 5 experiential learning categories
What is career & leadership experience, community service, creative & artistic experience, global experience, and research?
Name of an ONS scholarship
What is Fulbright Programs, Gilman Scholarship, etc.?
Name 2 of the 5 types of abroad programs specified by USF Education Abroad
What is Faculty-Led, Exchange, Affiliate, Non-Affiliate, and International Internship abroad programs?
Best ways to find research opportunities
What is...
- Searching "USF [department name] department research"?
- Emailing professors and researchers with interest, CV, etc.?
- Advisors or department notifications?
Cost of Judy Genshaft Honors College building in millions
What is $56 million?