The French and Indian War
The Revolutionary War
Pre-Revolution Problems

This man was leader of the continental army when fighting against the English, defended Fort Duquesne from the French, and would later become president.

Who is George Washington?


England issued one of these when fighting the French and Indian war, signaling their willingness to spend as much money as it took to win the war.

What is a "blank check"


For every 1 soldier on the American side, England had this many soldiers.

What is 4?


A type of economic system where the mother country gets raw materials from its colonies, and then sells them back the finished product. The colonies act as a "warehouse" and the mother country acts as a "factory".

What is mercantilism?


The Proclamation of 1763 prevented colonists from settling anywhere west of what mountains?

What are the Appalachian Mountains?


The French and the Indians became close allies because of this valuable type of resource.

What is fur?


This man designed the "Join or Die" cartoon, wrote Poor Richard's Almanac, and was important in establishing a French alliance for the Patriot cause.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


At the conclusion of the war, the English got a lot of North American land from the French. However, they forbade colonists from settling it following this "announcement" in the early 1770s.

What is the Proclamation (line) of 1763?


Considered the first battle of the American Revolution, these Massachusetts towns were where colonial weapons were stored when the British tried to seize them.

What is Lexington and Concord?


This was the name for people in the colonies that wanted to remain loyal to England.

Who are loyalists?


This law established a tax on all paper goods. Like a tax every time you opened your phone.

What was the Stamp Act?


An "anti-English fan club" that dumped 18000 pounds of tea into Boston harbor.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


This man was king of England during the time of the American Revolution.

Who is King George III?


This was the portion of land that the French and English fought over during the French and Indian War.

What is the Ohio river valley?


This was one major advantage the colonists have over the English when fighting the American Revolution on North American soil.

What is a familiarity with the land?

What is a commitment to win?

What is short supply lines?

What is a defensive strategy to outlast the British?


When people, in this case colonists, refuse to buy goods as a form of protest.

What is a boycott?


This law was an "indirect" (sneaky) tax on imported goods. Taxed things like lead and glass.

What is the Townshend Act?


This document was the official beginning of the Revolutionary War, since the colonists were finally telling the English exactly what they wanted.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This man was the author of the popular colonial pamphlet Common Sense. People have criticized him for using too much auto tune (wait, that's the wrong guy...)

Who is Thomas Paine?


This rebellion (the Bacon's Rebellion of this unit) caused the English to prohibit colonists from settling on Indian land west of the Appalachian mountains.

What is Pontiac's Rebellion?


Washington's daring surprise attack during the Battle of Trenton had his soldiers do this to catch the English off guard.

What is cross a frozen river?


This was the nickname for colonist volunteers that wanted to fight the English. Their name came from their quick response time.

What is a minuteman?


During a protest, a group of English soldiers fire into the crowd and kill 5 people. The colonists refer to that event as this...

What is the Boston Massacre?


The British used these as a way to block trade from reaching colonial ports.

What is a blockade?


This man wrote the Declaration of Independence, telling the English that all men deserve their natural rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (wait, didn't he own slaves?)

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The official name for what I referred to as "neglectful parenting", where England ignored the colonists and let them do what they wanted.

What is salutary neglect?


The Patriot victory during this battle convinced the French to form an alliance and help them defeat the English.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This meeting among the 13 colonies was meant to figure out a way to stop Indian attacks. The colonists rejected it, saying that it sounded like big government.

What is the Albany Congress?


Following the Boston Tea Party, the English react drastically, writing these laws that prevented Boston traders from making a living. The Americans won't stand for this one.

What are the Intolerable Acts?


The British burn this major trading hub to the ground as a way to demoralize the colonists. What a shame, they have good pizza...

What is New York?
