Civil War & Reconstruction
Westward Expansion
American Imperialism
1920's & Great Depression
World Wars
Cold War
1960's Society & Modern Times

Which of the following statements best describes the Anaconda Plan during the American Civil War?

a. It was a military strategy developed by the Confederate Army to defeat Union forces.

b. It was a plan devised by the Union Army to blockade Southern ports and strangle the Confederacy's economy.

c. It was a diplomatic initiative to seek foreign assistance in mediating the conflict between the North and South.

d. It was a proposal to create a new Confederate capital in a more defensible location.

b. It was a plan devised by the Union Army to blockade Southern ports and strangle the Confederacy's economy.


How did westward expansion of white settlement affect American Indians?

a. White settlers were searching for gold, and American Indians were recruited as workers

b. White settlers wanted land for large farms, and they enslaved American Indians as agricultural laborers

c. White settlers wanted to own western land and resources, and they drove American Indians off their lands

d. White settlers wanted to be the first people to reach the Pacific coast, and the American Indians suffered as both raced to be the first

c. White settlers wanted to own western land and resources, and they drove American Indians off their lands


Which factor led to the growth of labor unions in the US during the late 1900s?

a.  Low wages paid to immigrant farm workers

b.  Unsafe working conditions in large factories

c.  Consumer anger over tariffs on imported goods 

d.  Increased rates of unemployment in major US cities

b.  Unsafe working conditions in large factories



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Which of the following is not an argument in support of imperialism? 

a. The United States should become a world-class power 

b. The United States should expand to compete economically 

c. The United States should respect other people’s right to liberty 

d. The United States should spread its ideals to other parts of the world

c. The United States should respect other people’s right to liberty


The Roaring Twenties were characterized by —

a. Internment camps, the rationing of goods, and the first use of an atomic bomb

b. Bank failures, the New Deal, and bread lines

c. Installment plans, Prohibition, and flappers

d. Brinkmanship, McCarthyism, and a policy of containment

c. Installment plans, Prohibition, and flappers


Why is World War I seen as a turning point in United States foreign policy?

a. The United States established an international court to address war crimes.

b. The expansion of overseas businesses helped the economy of the United States.

c. The United States rejected a world leadership role after the war.

d. The lowering of barriers to immigration increased the credibility of the United States.

c. The United States rejected a world leadership role after the war.


Who was in charge of investigating claims of communist activity in the government, armed forces, universities, and other areas of American life during the Second Red Scare?

a.  Ethel and Julius Rosenburg

b.  Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss

c.  House Un-American Activities Committee

d.  Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs 

c.  House Un-American Activities Committee


Which act was signed in 2001 for the purpose of strengthening America’s national security to combat terrorism? 

a. The Espionage Act

b. The USA Patriot Act

c. The Social Security Act

d. The Federal Emergency Relief Act

b. The USA Patriot Act


What was a significant consequence of sectionalism in the United States leading up to the Civil War?

 a. The emergence of a unified national identity and a stronger sense of patriotism.

 b. The promotion of equal rights and social justice for all citizens.

 c. The deepening divide between the Northern and Southern states over issues such as slavery and states' rights.

d. The establishment of a strong central government with expanded federal powers.

 c. The deepening divide between the Northern and Southern states over issues such as slavery and states' rights.



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How did rapid industrialization during the late 1800s affect the US workforce?

a. Increased numbers of immigrants sought employment in urban areas

b. Many women who had previously worked in urban areas lost their jobs

c. The unemployment rate in the country increased as the demand for labor decreased

d. Many factory workers moved to rural areas because of the development of industrial automation 

a. Increased numbers of immigrants sought employment in urban areas


The creation of initiative, referendum, and recall procedures during the Progressive Era resulted in —

a.  A system of separate schools for new immigrants

b.  The expansion of citizens’ direct participation in the democratic process

c.  A redistribution of the tax burden among citizens

d.  More sources of revenue for state governments

b.  The expansion of citizens’ direct participation in the democratic process


What was one of the significant impacts of U.S. imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

 a. The spread of American cultural and democratic values around the world.

 b. The establishment of strong diplomatic alliances with European powers.

 c. The dismantling of existing colonial empires and promotion of decolonization.

 d. The acquisition of overseas territories and an extension of American influence.

 d. The acquisition of overseas territories and an extension of American influence.


What effect did the ratification of the 19th Amendment have on US society?

a. Led to the growth of organized crime

b. Led to increase in eligible voters

c. Prohibited sale of alcoholic beverages

d. Lowered the required age to vote

b. Led to increase in eligible voters


How did the US workforce change during World War II?

a. Job opportunities opened up for women and minorities 

b. The size of the workforce decreased due to lower birth rates

c. Jobs in the service sector increased while industrial jobs declined

d. Labor unions became less powerful as people enlisted in the military 

a. Job opportunities opened up for women and minorities


What was the leading cause of political debate on national security in the 1940/50s?

a. Fear of communist infiltration in the government 

b. Fear of future terrorist attacks on major American cities 

c.  Concern about the escalation of Vietnam  

d. Concern about the nation being pulled into conflict due to international alliances 

a. Fear of communist infiltration in the government


How did President Lyndon Johnson believe the Great Society programs would change the US? 

a. By creating incentives for entrepreneurship 

b. By promoting equal opportunity and reducing poverty 

c. By developing government agencies to monitor race relations 

d. By encouraging civic participation and eliminating infectious disease 

b. By promoting equal opportunity and reducing poverty


Which statement best describes the effect of the Dred Scott Decision and the Kansas-Nebraska Act on the United States before the Civil War?

a. Economic competition increased between the North and the South.

b. Westward expansion gave abolitionist groups less political power.

c. New states opened larger markets for manufactured goods produced by slaves.

d. Disputes about the status of slavery in new states fueled conflicts between the North and the South.

d. Disputes about the status of slavery in new states fueled conflicts between the North and the South.


How did westward settlement of white Americans impact Native Americans?

a. Native Americans were recruited to work in crews searching for gold

b. Native Americans were enslaved to work on farms in the west

c. Native Americans were pushed off their lands so white settlers could move in

d. Native Americans and white settlers raced west to be the first to the Pacific Coast

c. Native Americans were pushed off their lands so white settlers could move in


Which outcome was a result of the transition to mechanized farming in the US during the late 19th and early 20th centuries? 

a. Demand for agricultural labor increased

b. Production of agricultural goods became more efficient 

c. Population shift from urban areas to rural areas

d. Environmental groups began raising concerns about the effects of pesticides 

b. Production of agricultural goods became more efficient


What issues did Muckrakers in the early 1900s draw attention to?

a.  Growth of labor unions

b.  Industrialization’s impact on rural areas

c.  Dangerous and unsanitary industrial working conditions 

d.  Weakening power of corporate monopolies

c.  Dangerous and unsanitary industrial working conditions 


Which statement describes the U.S. government’s foreign policy following the Spanish American War?

a. The U.S. government isolated the US from international conflicts

b. The US government further expanded the reach of American military and economics

c.  The US government assisted European countries who had been damaged by the war

d.  The US government established a multinational organization to maintain peace

b. The US government further expanded the reach of American military and economics


Which economic factor contributed most directly to the Great Depression in the United States? 

a. High income taxes 

b. Decreased tariff rates 

c. Buying stocks on margin 

d. Low worker productivity 

c. Buying stocks on margin


What is one reason the US did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles following World War I? 

a. The American public felt the punishment for Germany was too weak

b. Germany refused to allow the US to be a part of the negotiations 

c. Senators objected to the idea that the treaty would force the US to give up territory overseas 

d. Senators were concerned that the terms of the treaty would force the US to go to war on behalf of other nations 

d. Senators were concerned that the terms of the treaty would force the US to go to war on behalf of other nations


What impact did the Soviet Union detonation of an atomic bomb have in 1949?

a. Led to the end of WW2

b. Led to the emergence of a second world superpower

c. Led to the Soviet Union’s expulsion from the United Nations

d. Led to a declaration of war between the US and USSR

b.  Led to the emergence of a second world superpower


The 15th Amendment expanded African American’s ability to participate in political processes. How did the 24th amendment expand on this?

a. Granting African-American women the right to vote

b. Ensuring the election of African Americans to each state’s legislature 

c. Requiring states to create congressional districts for African Americans

d) By Removing an economic barrier that prevented many African Americans from voting

d) By Removing an economic barrier that prevented many African Americans from voting


What impact did Jim Crow laws have on African Americans in the South?

a. Laws made it illegal for African Americans to own land

b. Laws made it legal to discriminate against African Americans

c. Laws prohibited the limitation of voting rights for African Americans

d. Laws helped ensure full participation of African Americans in southern society

b. Laws made it legal to discriminate against African Americans


What was the goal of the US government’s policy toward American Indians in the late 1800’s?

a.  Increase the independence of American Indian Tribes 

b.  Broaden the economic opportunities available to American Indians 

c.  Pressure the American Indians to assimilate into European American culture

d.  Create a dialogue between European settlers and American Indian Tribes

c.  Pressure the American Indians to assimilate into European American culture


How did the concept of Social Darwinism affect workers during the Second Industrial Revolution?

a. It justified inadequate pay and poor working conditions.

b. It encouraged the acceptance of various races in the workplace.

c. It increased the migration of farmers and ranchers to large cities.

d. It empowered the immigrant population to open small businesses

a. It justified inadequate pay and poor working conditions.


Which of the following occurred as a result of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

a. Workers secured a greater share of company profits.

b. The influence of labor unions on factory owners was reduced.

c. The federal government could dissolve business monopolies.

d. Businesses were required to pay fees to open overseas locations.

c. The federal government could dissolve business monopolies.


The Roosevelt corollary stated that America would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary to – 

a. Extend American influence in Central and South America 

b. maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere. 

c. protect American business interests and investments in Latin America. 

d. shape the less-civilized nations in the Western Hemisphere.


 b. maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere.


Which of the following was a major contribution of the Harlem Renaissance to U.S. culture?

a. It led to the increased popularity of vaudeville stage performers.

b. It brought the most significant beat poets together.

c.  It established jazz as a prominent musical form.

d. It focused attention on the antiwar literary genre.

c.  It established jazz as a prominent musical form.


Which international agreement renounced war as an instrument of national policy?

a. the Kellogg-Briand Pact

b. the Treaty of Versailles

c. the Molltov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact

d. the Washington Naval Treat

a. the Kellogg-Briand Pact


How did the United States' involvement in the Korean War change the way the United States enforced the policy of containment?

a. solely used economic measures to enforce the policy of containment

b. moved toward a policy of extreme military build up to combat communist expansion

c. began to rely solely on the Western European nations to defend against communist expansion

d. moved toward a policy of negotiation to help defend against further communist expansion in Asia

b. moved toward a policy of extreme military build up to combat communist expansion


Which sentence describes how post-World War II society was affected by the GI Bill of Rights? 

a. Political participation became possible for a broader portion of society 

b. Economic successes became available for a broader portion of society 

c. Farmers neglected to utilize agricultural technologies 

d. Businesses failed to develop innovative products 

b. Economic successes became available for a broader portion of society


Why did Radical Republicans oppose Lincoln’s approach to Reconstruction?

a. Radical Republicans believed restoration of southern property would increase the incentive for Southerners to reinstitute the plantation system.

b. Radical Republicans believed that only harsh terms could eliminate the southern political forces that led to the Confederacy.

c. Radical Republicans believed it was in the best interest of the nation to require loyalty oaths of 100% of Southerners.

d. Radical Republicans believed those who supported the Confederacy should be kept out of power to ensure Southern succession would not happen again in the future

b. Radical Republicans believed that only harsh terms could eliminate the southern political forces that led to the Confederacy.


What was the outcome of the Dawes Act of 1887? 

a. Provided more services to American Indians in the US

b. Reduced the size of reservations and divided tribal land among individuals

c. Established reservations for American Indians in the Western US

d. Created an official government agency in charge of negotiating treaties with American Indians

b. Reduced the size of reservations and divided tribal land among individuals


Why were political machines able to retain power in U.S. cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

a.  Some wealthy and influential citizens profited from relations with the party bosses.

b.  Immigrant voters took bribes from party bosses in exchange for social services.

c.  Party bosses threatened potential political rivals and their families.

d. Party bosses coerced citizens into voting for them.

b.  Immigrant voters took bribes from party bosses in exchange for social services.


Which of the following best describes the main message of the Cross of Gold speech delivered by William Jennings Bryan in 1896?

a. Support for the gold standard as the basis for the nation's currency.

b. Criticism of agricultural policies and the decline of the farming industry.

c. Advocacy for a bimetallic standard to back the U.S. currency.

 d. Promotion of free trade and globalization in international commerce.

c. Advocacy for a bimetallic standard to back the U.S. currency.


Which factor is most closely associated with the decision of the United States to declare war on Spain in 1898?

a.  unrestricted submarine warfare

b.  labor union pressure

c.  isolationist policy

d.  yellow journalism

d.  yellow journalism


What impact did Prohibition have on US society during the 1920s and early 1930s

a. It led to the creation of African American cultural centers in major cities

b. It led to increased migration of workers and minorities to northern states

c. It led to the establishment of speakeasies and the rise of organized crime

d. It led to an economic shift from agricultural production to industrial production 

c. It led to the establishment of speakeasies and the rise of organized crime


During World War II millions of Jews and other targeted ethnic groups in areas occupied by the Axis powers were forced to move to ghettos and concentration camps in Europe. As a result of these events, many Jewish communities were completely destroyed. How did the international community respond to these events?

a. by establishing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

b. by cooperating in the Berlin Airlift

c. by holding war crime trials at Nuremberg

d. by contributing aid through the Marshall Plan

c. by holding war crime trials at Nuremberg


How did the Truman Doctrine assist countries in fighting Communist aggression?

a. It pledged that the United States would support free peoples who were resisting being taken over by other countries.

b. It promised that the United States would assist any country that could not financially support itself.

c. It created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in an effort to maintain international peace.

d. It stated that the Soviet Union could not colonize anywhere in the Western Hemisphere.

a. It pledged that the United States would support free peoples who were resisting being taken over by other countries.


How has the relationship between oil reserves, production, and consumption influenced United States foreign policy after 1970? 

a. The United States maintains military bases in Western European countries. 

b. The United States contributes humanitarian aid to Central African countries. 

c. The United States is committed to trade relations with Central Asian countries. 

d. The United States is interested in maintaining stability in Middle Eastern countries.

d. The United States is interested in maintaining stability in Middle Eastern countries.
