What two main countries were involved in the Cold War?
United States & the Soviet Union
What two countries fought in the Spanish American War?
Spain and the United States
When did World War I start and end?
1914 - 1918
When did WWII begin and end?
1939 - 1945
What is a muckraker?
A person who fights for social change. They could be a reporter, writer, social activists, etc.
What does containment refer to?
The idea that the way to stop the spread of communism was to contain it.
Where did the fighting take place during the Span Am War? (Hint: 2 countries)
Phillipines and Cuba
What caused WWI to begin?
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
What were the three main countries in the Axis Powers?
Germany, Italy, and Japan
What was Upton Sinclair's The Jungle about?
The disgusting conditions of meat packing plants. It was originally written to expose the harsh working conditions.
What were the two sides fighting during the Korean War?
North Korea & South Korea
Why did the US declare war on Spain during the Spanish American War?
The US thought Spain sunk the ship The USS Maine. There was no real proof this was true.
Why did the US join WWI?
The sinking of the Luisitana
What were the four main countries in the Allied Powers?
Britain, France, Soviet Union, the US
What did Jane Addams do?
She ran settlement houses to help poor immigrants get food and shelter.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
What treaty ended the Spanish American War?
The Treaty of Paris
What are Victory Gardens?
During the war, civilians were asked to grow their own food in their victory gardens in order to save food for soldiers overseas.
What are VE Day and VJ Day?
VE = Victory over Europe - Hitler surrenders
VJ = Victory over Japan - atomic bomb is dropped in Japan - Japan surrenders
What did the Meat Inspection Act do?
It provided sanitary regulations to meat packing factories
What is the Marshall Plan?
Marshall Plan was the US giving money to countries that were destroyed during WWII. For example, Britain, France, and Italy.
Why was it important that the US won the Spanish American War?
The US winning the war cemented the US as a world superpower.
What is an armistice?
What was the Holocaust?
The intentional murder of Jewish people during WWII by Germany.
Who was Jacob Riis?
He is a photographer who exposed the terrible living conditions of immigrants living in tenements.