The two subsistence methods traditionally used by Native Americans.
What are hunting & gathering and agriculture?
Traditional dwellings used by the Wabanaki.
What are wigwams?
The exchange of goods, people, ideas, & diseases between the eastern & western hemispheres.
What is the Columbian Exchange?
The first European nation to establish colonies in West Africa.
What is Portugal?
The document sent by the Continental Congress to King George III to announce the colonies' separation from Great Britain.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
A way of life in which people continuously move around, never settling in one place.
What is nomadism?
The leader of a Wabanaki family band or village.
Who is the sakom?
The name for the system of trade that moved raw materials to Europe, manufactured goods to Africa, and African slaves to the Americas.
What was the triangular trade?
The name for the sea route between Africa and the Americas.
What was the Middle Passage?
This conflict began when colonists from Virginia tried to capture a French fort in 1754 and is regarded as the beginning of hostilities between Great Britain and its North American colonies.
What was the French & Indian War?
This term best describes Native American societies & cultures.
What is "diverse"?
The English translation for Moceyisk, the Passamaquoddy-Maliseet word for Machias.
What is "bad little falls"?
The system by which the Spanish exploited Native Americans for labor in the colonies.
What was the encomienda system?
A term for the ideology that was developed to justify the enslavement of African people.
What is "racist"?
The first naval battle of the American Revolution.
What was the Battle of the Margaretta?
The land mass that connected Asia and North America 20,000 year ago.
What is the Bering Land Bridge or Beringia?
The five original Wabanaki tribes.
Who are the Abenaki, Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Mikmaq, & Maliseet?
An English colonial proclamation that placed a bounty on Penobscot men, women, & children.
What was the Phips Bounty Proclamation?
Where slaves were inspected by potential buyers and sold to the highest bidder.
What is a slave auction?
A protest in which a group of colonists disguised themselves as Native Americans and threw 342 chests of British East India Company tea into Boston Harbor.
What was the Boston Tea Party?
This Native American society developed terrace farming to adapt to the terrain of the Andes Mountains.
Who were the Inca?
The mythical first man from Wabanaki lore.
Who is Koluskap?
The Papal Bull that established the Doctrine of Discovery.
What is "Inter Caetera"?
The approximate number of Africans who were forcibly brought to the Americas by the Atlantic slave trade.
What is ten million?
Voluntary military organizations that played a major role in the American Revolution.
What are militias?