Early Colonization
New England Colonies
Mid-Atlantic Colonies
Southern Colonies

How did the Colombian Exchange impact Native American population?

Native American population decreased due to Old World Diseases.
Name a New England Colony.
What is Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut or Rhode Island?
Name a Middle Colony.
What is Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York or New Jersey?
Name a Southern colony.
What is Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Georgia?

All colonists were subject to _____________ and thus were heavily influenced by this legal system.

What is British common law?


How did the the Colombian Exchange impact Europe?

What is European wealth and the population rose due to the importation of gold, silver, potatoes, and corn.


Describe the climate/geography of the New England Colonies.

Colder climate, short growing season, rocky soil, navigable rivers

The middle colonies were often called the breadbasket because farmers in the middle colonies grew a lot of. . .
What is grain?

Describe the climate/geography of the Southern Colonies.

What is hot/humid climate, long growing seasons, coastal swamps and plains, and fertile soil?


This movement spread revolutionary ideas that challenged the power of absolute monarchs. Key figures were John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and John-Jacques Rousseau.

The Enlightenment

As colonization spread in the Caribbean, the demand for this type of labor expanded due to the increase in sugar plantations.

What is slave labor?


Name one of the 2 primary exports of the New England colonies.

What are fish/whale and lumber for ship building?


Describe the climate/geography of the Middle Colonies.

What is temperate climate, long growing season, rich soil, and navigable rivers?


Name one of the cash crop exports of the Southern Colonies colonies.

What are tobacco, rice, and indigo?


This document was created by the male, founding members of the Plymouth colony. It established majority rule in the colony. Hint: It was signed on the ship they ventured on.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This was the name for the complex trade network that crossed the Atlantic ocean bringing exports of manufactured goods, enslaved people, natural resources, and cash crops to markets in Eastern Europe, Eastern Africa, and the American colonies.

What is Triangle Trade or the Trans-Atlantic Trade System?


Most colonists in the New England colonies were British and belonged to this church.

What is the Puritan Church?


Major port cities like New York and Philadelphia and relative freedom of religion caused the population to be ___________, in that multiple ethnic and religious groups resided in the Middle Colonies.

What is diverse?


This rebellion demonstrated tensions between British royal governors and small, frontier farmers. It resulted in an increase demand for slave labor by wealthy plantation owners.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


This document protected religious freedom for Christians in Maryland, but also allowed the persecution of non-Christians.

What is the Maryland Toleration Act?


Which European country did not seek to concert Native American populations to Catholicism?

England/Great Britain.

New England colonial politics centered around this ____________, local gatherings in which only male members of the Puritan Church could discuss issues and vote on solutions.

What are town meetings?


This man was the proprietor of Pennsylvania where he created a "holy experiment" by allowing freedom of religion and opportunity for equality among social classes. His political beliefs were influenced by his ties to Quakers (Society of Friends).

Who is William Penn?


This was the first official legislature in Colonial America. Male land owners in Virginia could elect representatives.

What is the House of Burgesses?


Name the economic policy that encouraged Eastern European monarchies to create colonies in search of raw materials, new markets, and favorable trade that benefited the mother country.

What is mercantilism?
