Out West/Labor Unions

The following illustration shows the sentiments of United States government towards certain immigrants during the late 1800s. Which of the following pieces of US legislation is this illustration an example of?

Chinese Exclusion Act

what does oriental mean?


How does the photograph demonstrate a shift in U.S. government policies impacting Native Americans?

The U.S. government promoted cultural assimilation.


Individuals who are willing to take risks, to bring the resources together and develop new products, and start a new business are referred to as which of the following?



The Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Hall, and the Morgan Library illustrate various ways that entrepreneurs and their descendants have

Supported philanthropic activities to benefit society


During the Great Migration, thousands of African Americans looking for economic opportunities moved from

South to North


What did Progressive reformers do about problems such as tenement housing, sanitation, crime, and unsafe working conditions?

They documented these poor conditions and passed laws prohibiting them.


“Labor Leaders Executed for Causing Haymarket Riot”

“State Militia Called In To End Homestead Strike”

“1,000 Jailed as Silver Miners Protest Wage Cuts”

Which statement about labor unions in the late 1800s is illustrated by these headlines listed above?

The government frequently opposed labor union activities.


In the 19th century, protective tariffs, subsidies for railroads, and open immigration showed that the federal government followed a policy of

Support of economic development


What concerns did Ida Tarbell uncover?

The influence of monopolies on the National government, especially with Standard Oil (Rockefeller)


Support for the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was generated by which publication?

Upton Sinclair's, The Jungle


Who won the election of 1896 on a platform of increased industrialization, higher wages, and the "gold standard"?

William McKinley


What happened at the Haymarket Square Riot?

a protest against acts of police brutality against workers, bomb went off, workers protested for "Eight hour work day, 8 hour sleep,8 hours for whatever else you please".


“Prices and wages should be determined by the marketplace.” The author of this statement would most probably support which of the following?

People that support laissez-faire capitalism.


What was a major goal of reformers during the Progressive Era?

correct abuses of big business


How did the availability of electricity during the Progressive Era impact daily life?

It led to increased urbanization and the growth of cities


Which of these occurred as a direct result of the U.S.'s late-nineteenth century industrialization?

-women’s suffrage, dangerous working conditions, movement of affluent whites from urban to rural areas, increased representation of the poor, working class in politics

Dangerous working conditions


In order to help expand railroads throughout the country after the Civil War, Congress did what to motivate for the construction of the Transcontinental railroad?

provided railroad companies land free of charge to construct the Transcontinental Railroad and incentivize westward settlement for Americans through the granting of free land


According to "The Gospel of Wealth" by Andrew Carnegie , the responsibility of the wealthy is to..

Share their excess wealth with the community


The above cartoon by Thomas Nast illustrates

the growing problem of corrupt political “machines” in urban cities


During the 1800s, the United States was expanding westward. Many Native American's on the Plains resisted the expansion. What did the US government do in response to the Plains Indians’ resistance to the expansion? Name 2 things.

It engaged in numerous military battles and It relocated American Indians onto reservations


In an effort to deal with an increasing number of immigrants, in 1892 the U.S. government opened what?

Ellis Island


Select two answers that support how this map shows the policies of the federal government to expand capitalism in the United States?

-The federal government promoted transcontinental railroad construction.

-The federal government believed in private ownership of railroads.


“In America, the law is a sheet of paper that is carefully folded around the rich and powerful.”

Using this quote, what best explains the characteristic(s) of this era? Also, what is this era?

Huge extreme of wealth and poverty

Gilded Age


One effect of the Interstate Commerce Act (1877) was to put regulations on which industry?



During the Progressive Era, Jane Addams responded to urban conditions by working to establish which of the following? What were they called?

settlement houses that provided assistance to the poor

Hull House
