Roaring 20's
Great Depression
FDR and New Deal-1
FDR and New Deal-2
These were generally wealthy younger women that tried to push the boundaries of gender and social roles.
What were flappers?
Hoover actually did more than any previous US President to try to help alleviate the problems caused by the Great Depression. (True or False)
What is true or false? (True!)
The people that left the areas affected by the Dust Bowl and headed to California.
Who were the "Okies"?
Prohibition was still in effect when FDR was first elected and if you wanted to get a drink, you had to get at one of these.
What is a speakeasy?
The FDIC sought to regain people's trust in banks by doing this.
What is it gave a government promise to insure all the deposits at banks?
An African American artistic and literary movement made possible by the support of a rising African American middle class.
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
This misguided attempt to help protect American businesses actually served to help spread the Depression around the world and it ended up hurting instead of helping the US.
What the Smoot-Hawley Tariff?
At its height unemployment reached this for the whole country, though it was close to this for the African American population
What is 25% and 50%?
These were Roosevelt's radio addresses where he explained what and why he was taking the measures that he was.
What are fireside chats?
SSA stands for this and it did this.
What is the Social Security Administration and it provided pensions to the elderly and those experiencing significant disabilities?
Perfected by Henry Ford, this allowed for the era of the mass production and mass consumption of goods.
What was the assembly line?
Calling out the military to deal with this group of people wanting their pensions early was probably the greatest PR mistake of Hoover's presidency.
What was the Bonus Army?
This environmental disaster was caused by poor farming techniques and practices on the Great Plains.
What was the Dust Bowl?
TVA stands for this and it did this.
What is Tennessee Valley Authority provided jobs and cheap electricity for the Southern Appalachians?
The SEC did this and stood for this.
What is regulated the stock market to help prevent the conditions that led to the 1929 Crash and it stands for the Securities and Exchange Commission?
Much of the economic growth of the 1920's was fueled by credit. The common people were able to buy now--new household appliances, cars etc --and pay later because of the...
What is the installment plan?
These are two significant differences between the way that Hoover and FDR dealt with the effects of the Great Depression.
What is Hoover tried to spur development in a trickle down effect by helping big business and corporations get back on their feet. FDR did this too but he gave DIRECT RELIEF to people right away! Secondly, FDR through the fireside chats, took his case directly to the American people and showed better PR and people skills as he let the people know what and why he taking the actions that he was?
The names given to shanty towns that sprang up on the outskirts of larger urban areas.
What is Hoovervilles?
These were the three objectives of the New Deal programs.
What is relief, recovery and reform?
Briefly explain which of the FDR's goals of relief, reform and recovery were accomplished by New Deal policies.
What is relief and reform but not recovery, that would have to wait until the industrial build-up of WWII?
The KKK underwent significant growth and change during the 1920's as can be seen in at least two ways.
What is they spread outside of their traditional southern states areas of power and they added Jews, Catholics and foreigners to their list of people they hated?
Although his measures did not seem to help at the time, it is unfair and incorrect to say that President Hoover "did nothing" in response to the Great Depression. Give two examples of how he tried to help.
What is overnight authorized a 1 billion dollar increase in government spending; dropped taxes by 2/3's on middle and lower income Americans; started massive public works projects like the Hoover Dam and San Francisco's Bay Bridge?
Explain two factors that helped cause the Great Depression.
What is farmers already experiencing their own depression, easy credit through installment plans and low interest rates, speculation madness on the stock market?
FDR faced significant criticisms from those on the political Left and Right. Give one example of each.
What is answers will vary.
Court packing refers to FDR's attempts to do this and why did he try to pack them?
What is adding new justices to the Supreme Court that would be favorable to his policies because some were struck down as unconstitutional?