U.S. Geographic Regions #1
U.S. Geographic Regions #2
U.S. Bodies of Water #1
U.S. Bodies of Water #2
Continents / Oceans / Geographic Features

oLocated west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Great Plains oRolling flatlands with many rivers, broad river valleys, and grassy hills

Interior Lowlands

o Located along the Pacific Coast, stretching from California to Canada o Rugged mountains and fertile valleys o Includes the Sierra Nevada and the Cascades
Coastal Range
Served as the highway for explorers, early settlers, and later immigrants and provided access to other parts of the world
Atlantic Ocean
Was the gateway to the west prior to the Louisiana Purchase
Ohio River
Name the 7 Continents
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Europe
o Located along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico o Broad lowlands, providing many excellent harbors
Coastal Plain
o Wrapped around the Hudson Bay in a horseshoe shape o Hills worn by erosion and hundreds of lakes carved by glaciers
Canadian Shield
Forms part of the northeastern border with Canada and connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean
St. Lawrence River
Forms part of the border with Mexico
Rio Grande
Name the 5 oceans.
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Southern
o Located west of the Rocky Mountains and east of the Coastal Range o Varying elevations containing isolated mountain ranges and Death Valley, the lowest point in North America
Basin and Range
o Located west of the Great Plains and east of the Basin and Range o Rugged mountains stretching from Alaska almost to Mexico; high elevations o Contains the Continental Divide, which determines the directional flow of rivers
Rocky Mountains
Was an early exploration destination as a route to Asia and provided access to other parts of the world
Pacific Ocean
Was explored by the Spanish
Colorado River
Describe what each of the following water-related features look like on a map: Lakes Rivers Tributaries Gulfs and bays
blue area surrounded by land, blue curvy line, blue curvy line, blue area surrounded by land on 3 sides
o Located west of the Interior Lowlands and east of the Rocky Mountains o Flat lands that gradually increase in elevation westward; grasslands
Great Plains
Label the Appalachian Mountains, Basin and Range, Canadian Shield, and Coastal Range on the map of the U.S.
Teacher will check map.
Provided the French and Spanish with exploration routes to Mexico and other parts of America and provided access to other parts of the world
Gulf of Mexico
Was explored by Lewis and Clark
Columbia River
Describe what each of the following land-related features look like on a map: Mountains Hills Plains Plateaus Islands Peninsulas
tepee looking lines, labeled and colored tan usually, labeled and colored green usually, labeled and colored light brown usually, land surround by blue water, land surrounded by blue water on 3 sides
o Located west of the Coastal Plain, extending from eastern Canada to western Alabama; includes the Piedmont o Old, eroded mountains (oldest mountain range in North America)
Appalachian Mountains
Label the Coastal Plain, Great Plains, Interior Lowlands, and Rocky Mountains on the map of the U.S.
Teacher will check map.
Used to transport farm and industrial products and created links to US ports and other parts of the world
Mississippi and Missouri Rivers
Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along these water bodies; Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario
Great Lakes
Geographic features influenced United States history by affecting _________________. A. the amount of sunlight that areas received B. westward movement C. patterns of trade D. wind patterns E. agricultural and fishing industries F. locations of cities and towns
B, C, E, F