What does the prefix "Re-" mean?
Example. Restart
To go back or do again
What does the suffix "-ment" mean?
Example. Enjoyment
The action or process of ...
What is the correct meaning of the word bark in the sentence?
Please do not pull the bark off of the oak log.
The covering of a tree.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
Diane was lethargic; she didn't have the energy to get out of bed.
Drowsy or sluggish
What is the definition of the bolded word?
Jorge decided to sever his friendship with his rude neighbor.
Seperate or discontinue
What does the prefix "mis-" mean?
Example. Misunderstand
What does the suffix "-like" mean?
Example. Lifelike, animallike
Similar to ...
What is the correct meaning of the word bat in the sentence?
Jason needs his special bat so he can with his sports game.
The device used to play baseball.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
The doctor's writing was utterly illegible; no one could read those scribbles.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
Mrs. Carlson thought her explanations were clear and concise, but everyone found them to be unfathomable.
Incapable of being understood/hard to understand
What does the prefix "inter-" mean?
Example. Interaction
What does the prefix(es) "-ity, -ty" mean?
Example. Tranquillity, Debility, Absurdity
State of ...
WWhat is the correct meaning of the word park in the sentence?
We waited until mom parked the vehicle to cross the street.
The stopping of a vehicle.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
We know the puppy has a kind disposition because we've never seen her bite or scratch anyone.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
Like the winners at the Oscars, I received accolades from my parents for my good grades.
What does the prefix "ir-" mean?
Example. Irrisponsible
Not ...
What does the suffix "-ous" mean?
Example. Dangerous, Ambitious, Adventurous
Filled with ...
What is the correct meaning of the word minute in the sentence?
The minute young, girl was lost in the crowd of giant adults.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
She told her friend, “I’m through with blind dates forever. What a dull evening! I was bored every minute. The conversation was absolutely vapid.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
The gaunt, short-haired blonde girl barely hit the volleyball hard enough to make it onto the other side of the thread-bear net.
Extremely thin
What does the prefix "de-" mean?
Example. Defrost
Opposite (of) ...
What does the suffix "-ery" mean?
Example. Robery, surgery, nursery
Place for; act, practice of ...
What is the correct meaning of the word crane in the sentence?
We watched as the crane flew by, preparing to migrate for the winter.
The mostly grey bird with long legs with a long neck and drooping, curved tail feathers.
What is the definition of the bolded word?
The Kansas City Chiefs are deservedly the best team in the National Football League because they remain resolute and ready to persevere.
Strong willed
What is the definition of the bolded word?
The country cottage was just outside the quaint and picturesque town.
Charming or visually attractive