Multiple choice: Who were the people who decided to use DNA testing to free innocent people?
A. Freelance Citizens
B. Detectives and Investigators
C. Francis Collins
B. Detectives and Investigators!!!!
Fill in the blanks: Similarly, there are ____ prints(mainly used to identify a body) and _____ prints!
The answers are Bone prints, and Glove prints!!
Multiple choice: What was the name of the G.I.N.A. act passed to stop people from steal GENETIC info and making people do DNA tests?
A. Genetic Illegal Nabbing act
B. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination act
C. General Illegal Nondisclosure Act
D. All over the above
B. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination act!!!!!!!!!
Fill in the blanks: Since ____, hundreds of innocent prisoners have been freed due to DNA testing.
HINT: It was in the first paragraph, it was actually the second word too!
The answer is 1992!!!!!!!!
Who made the Human Genome project?????
Hint: You saw a picture of him
His name is Francis S. Collins!
Tell me in your own words: What does the word Ethic mean in this context?
Moral Principles!!!! If you said the other type of Ethics, you didn't pay attention to the lesson.
Multiple choice: Which is the way DNA testing helped prisoners?
A.They compare the crime scene to DNA of the prisoner
B.They compare DNA extracted from prisoner on to objects to the crime scene
C.They contrast differences in DNA of the prisoner and the crime scene
D.All of the above
DDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me in your own words: What is a Genome?
It is the complete set of DNA in an organism!
When was the G.I.N.A act signed???
It was made in the year of 2008!!! An amazing year!!!!