Quote Integration
Quote Length
Context & Sentence Coherence

The man says to Raven, “‘If the people do not stop killing so many animals, they will kill everything you have made’” (TRM page 5).

Good Quote Integration!

Correct use of a comma for quote integration!


After observing the earth and its inhabitants that lived on its surface, Sotuknang and Taiowa decided that “this world must be destroyed and another one created so you people can start over again” (TE Pg. 11).

Good quote length! Longer context shortens what is needed from the actual quote to support the argument


Lord Krishna bestows him with valuable teachings: “Foster the gods. . .and they will foster you; by enriching one another, you will achieve a higher good”(BG, Page 44).

Good ellipses use!


The book puts it best: “He turned back to him, and as he walked he knew that his mind had somehow grown larger, he knew things that an animal can’t know” (Mitchell 79).

No contextualization

unclear things: who "he" in the text is referencing, the cause behind this quoted moment


 Socrates thoroughly describes to Crito how he feels the Athenian government may react if he decides to run away. “if we undertake to destroy you and think it right to do so, you can undertake to destroy us, as far as you can, in return?”(Plato, Page 51).

Bad punctuation-- the period needs to be removed and the sentence reformatted.


The following is one piece of evidence.

This means that if a person follows their instincts with no regard for learned, good habits, they will “inevitably become involved in wrangling and strife [and] will violate the forms and rules of society” (Xunzi, ln 17). Actions such as “a son to yield to his father” or “for a son to relieve his father of work” go against basic human instinct and are actions that must be learned (Xunzi, ln 122).

The quote is too long.

The quote attempts to be separated but is actually just one big gob of evidence. Avoid air quotes or the appearance of air quotes.


In his writing Human Nature is Evil, Xunzi claimed that “[...] in ancient times the sages, realizing that human nature is evil […] and lacking in order, for this reason established the authority of the ruler to control it […]” (HNE, ln 246-250).

Do not need the bookend ellipses! Furthermore, the ellipses should not be in brackets.


The relationship between a general and his soldiers is also vital to the success of a battle. Sun Tzu illustrates the nature of this relationship when he says, “Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys” (AOW ch. 10).

There is enough context!

Previous sentence included to see what "this relationship" refers to


Humans need to follow the teaching provided to them by higher beings in order to learn to be good, “since human nature is evil, it must wait for the instructions of a teacher before it can become upright, and for the guidance of ritual principles” (Xunzi 35-39).

No comma! Note that the quote starts with "since" which is a conjunction that does not require a comma beforehand, so the sentence can flow right through 


Man is capable of being good, that’s why Taiowa made man's heart feel “the good of life, its sincere purpose” and so man would carry out his practices, as the good of life meant worshiping their creator. (The Myths pg 10).

Too short! Student writing is more prominent than the quote

Quotes are evidence, which means that the appropriate amount should be included directly from the source, not by paraphrasing or plucking


The following is a block quote:

Emotion is mostly depicted through the introduction of an understanding of and a desire for beauty. Xunzi claims:

"Phenomena such as the eye’s fondness for beautiful forms, the ear’s fondness for beautiful sounds, the mouth’s fondness for delicious flavors, the mind’s fondness for profit, or the body’s fondness for pleasure and ease- these are all products of the emotional nature of humankind" (HNiE 158-164).

Don't need the block quote! It is very repetitive. Add ellipses to cut down the length and focus on whatever specific part you are arguing.


Mencius said, "use it, and you will keep it; ignore it, and you will lose it" (HNG, pg. 3).

Need more context!

What did Mencius say this was about?
