What is the NATO pay grade for a Marine Corps Staff Sergeant
How many stars are on a Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy’s insignia?
Who wears a single stripe in the Marine Corps?
Pvt. (Private) E1
What is the main job of a Navy Petty Officer?
What year was the U.S. Marine Corps founded?
November 10, 1775
How many Petty Officer ranks exist in the U.S. Navy
3 [PO3, PO2, PO1]
What symbol is found in the middle of a Master Gunnery Sergeant’s insignia?
Exploding Bomb
What Navy rank wears a eagle and one chevron?
Petty Officer Third Class, PO3, E-4
Who usually leads a small Marine Corps squad?
What year was the U.S. Navy founded?
October 13, 1775
What is the full title of the highest-ranking enlisted person in the Navy?
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
What are the rifles called in certain rank insignia's in the United States Marine Corps?
M1 Garands
What Marine Corps Rank wears Three Stripes Up, Two Stripes Down, Cross Rifles in the center
Gunnery Sergeant, GySgt, E-7
What rank in the USMC is famously portrayed as "Drill Instructors"?
Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant
What does "Oorah" mean in the Marine Corps
Which Marine Corps rank is commonly referred to as "Gunny"?
Gunnery Sergeant [E-7] Three Stripes Up, Two Stripes Down, Cross Rifle In the Center.
How does the insignia of a Senior Chief Petty Officer differ from a Chief Petty Officer?
Has 1 5-Pointed Star
What Marine Corps Rank wears Three Stripes Up, One Stripe Down, Cross Rifles in the Center
Staff Sergeant, SSgt, E-6
What enlisted rank in the Navy is called “The Backbone of the Navy” or "deckplate of leadership" in the navy?
Chief Petty Officer
What is the name of the Navy’s formal summer uniform?
Dress Whites
What is the only enlisted rank in the Navy that has command authority at the fleet level?
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
What is the key difference between a Marine Corps First Sergeant and a Master Sergeant’s insignia?
Cross Rifles for Master Sergeant, and Diamond for the First Sergeant
Who wears two stars above their anchor in the U.S. Navy?
Master Chief Petty Officer, MCPO, E-9
What is the role of a Marine Corps First Sergeant?
Administrative Duties
What color is the Marine Corps dress uniform?