Chapter 9 USN Dive Manual 1
Chapter 9 USN Dive Manual 2
Chapter 6 USN Dive Manual
MAN -010

When are you eligible for SURD?

A diver is eligible for surface decompression upon completion of the 40 fsw water stop.



If you have a delay leaving 20-fsw oxygen stop what is your action?

Delays leaving the 20-fsw oxygen stop can be ignored. However, do not leave divers on oxygen longer than 30 minutes.



The dive brief ensures that the dive plan is understood by all personnel in the operation and any questions or doubts are addressed. Each dive brief should include:

1. Dive objective/tasks. Brief the dive objective, considerations, and current state of conditions (including results or issues from previous dives). Diving and work procedures for the immediate tasks shall be reviewed during the briefing. Example: Objective - Recover flight data recorder. Tasks - Cutaway aircraft fuselage, remove black box, place recorder in recovery basket.

2. Hazards. Specific hazards of the dive shall be briefed to the divers. Ensure the divers and the dive team understand the hazards and mitigations necessary for safe diving.

3. Limits and restraints. (ex., Max depth/bottom time, search no farther than..,do not enter wreckage...)

4. Station Assignments. Review and verify assignments to ensure personnel understand their roles and responsibilities. Ensure a chamber/evacuation team is assigned. The primary (and possibly secondary) diver and standby diver assigned to a significantly hazardous dive, or the first dive of the day, should be experienced divers. No changes to dive station positions should be made without the permission of the Diving Supervisor and then only after a thorough turnover.



What is the document called that includes the serial numbers of each serialized component on a MK16 Rig?

Pedigree Report

Figure 4-2 MK 16 Tech Manual 


List 4 examples of OQE

Calibration certificates for gauges, Calibrated certificates for tools, Cleanliness reports, Hydrostatic testing reports, Certificates of compliance, NDT testing, Electrical Testing, Flow test, Compressor efficiency.

B-4 MAN-10


What is the definition of an EXCEPTIONAL EXPOSURE DIVE?

An exceptional exposure dive is one in which the risk of decompression sickness, oxygen toxicity, and/or exposure to the elements is substantially greater than on a normal working dive.



Delay greater than 1 minute, deeper than 50 fsw.

1. Round up the delay time to the next whole minute and add it to the bottom time. 

2. Recompute the decompression schedule. 

3. If no change in schedule is required, continue on the planned decompression. If a change in schedule is required and the new schedule calls for a decompression stop deeper than the diver’s current depth, perform any missed deeper stops at the diver’s current depth. Do not go deeper.



The following minimum emergency equipment (7) shall be available on every dive station:

1. Communications equipment capable of reaching help in the event of an emergency

2. A fully stocked first aid kit

3. Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

4. Portable oxygen supply with sufficient capacity to reach either the recompression chamber or the planned evacuation location listed in the Emergency Assistance Checklist (Figure 6-8)

5. Bag-valve mask with a means to connect 100% oxygen.

6. Means of immobilizing an injured diver (e.g., litter, stretcher, mesh stretcher, backboard)

7. A means of extracting a stricken/unconscious diver from the water. Supervisors should consider an extraction line (and harnesses for SCUBA divers) where significant freeboard or pier height would prevent expeditious recovery of a casualty.



How many Bendix connections are on the MK16?


Table 3-2. Initial Setup Procedures (Continued)

MK16 Tech Manual


What are the requirements for WORK boundaries on a REC?

First stop valve upstream and downstream of the component or joint being worked on.

Figure A-2 



What is Travel/Shift/Vent time and when is it used? 

the travel/shift/vent time includes the 20 second ascent from 40 to 30 fsw as well as the time required to shift the console to oxygen, vent the divers, and confirm that the divers are on oxygen.



The following air dives are considered exceptional exposure.

Bonus :100 points Who must approve these dives when planned?

1. Any air dive deeper than 190 fsw.

2. Any in-water decompression dive with a total decompression time on air or air/oxygen greater than 90 minutes.

3. Any SurDO2 dive with a chamber oxygen time greater than 120 minutes (4 oxygen periods).


The Commanding Officer must have approval to conduct planned exceptional exposure dives.



Four principles of ORM:

1. Accept risk when you KNOW the facts, and the benefits outweigh the cost.

2. Accept no unnecessary risk.

3. Anticipate and manage risk by planning. Risk is best managed in the planning stage of an operation.

4. Make risk decisions at the right level. The greater the risk, the higher the authority required to approve taking the risk.



Name the four subsystems of the MK16.

Housing, Recirculation, Electronics, and Pneumatics.


MK 16 Tech Manual


What is a Revision on a REC and how is it documented?

1. Required whenever the scope of the work exceeds the scope defined in the original REC to clarify all original updates to the original SOW.

2. Open a new REC entry without closing the original in the REC Log, annotating which Rev you are on using alphabetical notation.

3. Revision REC will include original REC plus the added procedures.

MAN-10 A-6.1


Advantages of surface decompression include:

1. Reduces the time a diver must spend in the water.

2. Enhanced diver’s safety.

3. Shorter exposure time in the water keeps divers from chilling to a dangerous level when diving in cold water.

4. Divers can be maintained at a constant pressure inside the recompression chamber, unaffected by the surface conditions of the sea.

5. Speeds up operations. Once divers have been recovered into the recompression chamber, a second dive team can begin descent, provided the recompression chamber and the surface-supplied diving system have separate air supplies.



If you lose O2 or don't have an ORCA and must SURD, how do you calculate how much time you owe in the chamber?

Compute the number of chamber oxygen periods required by multiplying the remaining oxygen time at the stops by 1.1, dividing the total by 30 minutes, then rounding the result up to the next highest half period.



In rare instances, the severity of a medical casualty while diving may dictate bypassing recompression therapy in the designated recompression chamber for medical care in a critical care facility. Examples include:

1. Near-drowning (even with possible POIS or DCS).

2. Major/severe trauma (even with possible POIS or DCS).

3. Rapid onset of paralysis with inability to breathe.



What is the minimum your Primary battery should read? 

Bonus 200: What will happen on the rig if it is below the minimum?

Name the Survey Cards and their use.

1A - Corrective action must be accomplished prior to manned use of the system.

1B - Corrective action prior to system certification

1C - Corrective action must be accomplished prior to the date or event specified on the card to sustain certification 

1D - Corrective action must be accomplished on a specified component prior to its use, but the overall system retains its certification. 

2 - Corrective action is desirable but not mandatory

2-7 MAN-10


EP for Bottom Time in Excess of Table

If available, use the U.S. Navy Thalmann Algorithm Dive Planner to compute the decompression requirement.

2. Read down to deeper depths in the Air Decompression Table until a depth is found that has a schedule that is equal to or longer than the bottom time. The Air Decompression Table contains longer schedules at various depths especially for this purpose.

Example: A diver is trapped on the bottom at a depth of 155 fsw. By the time he is freed, the bottom time is 100 min. The longest schedule in the 160 fsw table is 80 min. Read down to the 170 fsw table. The 120 min schedule is longer than the diver’s bottom time. Decompress the diver on the 170 fsw / 120 minute schedule



Delay greater than 1 minute leaving an air stop or between air stops deeper than 50 fsw.

If a new schedule is required, pick up the new schedule at the present stop or subsequent stop if delay occurs between stops. Ignore any missed stops or time deeper than the depth at which the delay occurred.



Regardless of the ownership or size, all craft used for diving operations shall:

Hint: 7 answers

1. Be seaworthy

2. Include Coast Guard required lifesaving and other safety gear

3. Have a reliable engine (unless it is a moored platform or barge)

4. Provide ample room for the divers to dress

5. Be able to carry all diving safety equipment required for the operation

6. Have a well-trained crew

7. Carry other safety equipage as required by the unit SOP. (Binoculars, water, charts, etc.)



When Diving Mk16 rigs for multiple dives what are the two limiting factors you have to track? How is it tracked?

1. O2 durations utilizing tables that consider air temp, water temperature and pressures 

2. Canister durations utilizing water temp, max depth and mesh size 

3. Tracked with on gas and off gas times.

Appendix A and B 

MK16 Tech Manual

Signatures required on a DFS report?

1. Master Diver/Senior Diving Supervisor

2. Diving Officer

3. CO

4. Technical Authority

5. SCA
