Conscious Discipline
Staff Handbook
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Minimum Standards

The acronym S.T.A.R. stands for this. 

What is "Stop (or Smile), Take a Deep Breathe, And Relax."?


Hand washing is the single most important thing a person can do to prevent a wide variety of illnesses and diseases. List 5 times to wash your hands.

What is

Hands need to be washed:

 When arriving at the center

 When entering a new classroom

 After coming in from outside

 Before and after meals and snacks

 After diapering or toileting children

 After handling body fluids of any kind 

 Before & after giving first aid

 After cleaning up spills or objects contaminated with body fluids

 After taking off disposable gloves

 After touching pets

 Before and after playing in the water or sand table


When assisting a child with an injury I need to fill out this form in order to document the injury and the care that was taken.

What is an incident report?


Teachers need to take the time (albeit a tedious task) to see each child and then check off their name on this form during EVERY transitions in and out of the classroom and NOT just count the number of children.

What is the name to face?


When Licensing comes into my classroom these are the two questions they will ask me.

What is how many?

Who is your oldest/youngest? OR What's the age range of the children in this room.



In Conscious Discipline, D.N.A stands for this.

What is 


N.ame the Feeling

A.cknowledge the desire?


In order to watch a short video clip in a 3 or 4 year old classroom, the clip has to have these things done ahead of time.  (Name 3)

What is it has to be

  • related to the topic
  • educational
  • been given parental permission at least 24 hours in advance
  • posted on your lesson plan
  • been viewed by the teacher in advance?

Meals at this center are served this style

What is family-style?


When supervising children, it is best practices to position myself with my back facing this. 

What is the wall?


These are 3 examples of items that should be kept out of the reach of children.

What is purse, medication, air freshener, cleaning supplies, white out, personal belongings, cell phone?


This space should be used for children to calm their bodies, address feelings, and work through emotions, but never as a time out space.

What is the safe space?


It is extremely important to look at a classroom's red board for this information. (Name 3)

What are food allergies, oldest/youngest, nap chart, emergency procedures, pet information, no photo list?


I need to fill out my Daily Meal Count and Attendance forms at this time of the day. 

What is at the time the meal is being served?


When I'm transitioning into a classroom, these are 6 steps involved in that process.

What is: 

1) Sign in on name to face form

2) Physically count children

3) verify # with teacher

4) Wash hands

5) Tell them why you're there

6) Ask what you can do to help


In order for someone to sign a child out, their name must be on this list, which is located on this form.

What is authorized p/u list on enrollment application?


An I Love You Ritual demonstration would look and sound like this.


Row, Row;  Twinkle, Twinkle; etc 


NAC (as in NAC accreditation) is the acronym for this.

What is the National Accreditation Council?



You are responsible to sign in and out of each classroom on THIS form.

What is Name to Face?


This is what a transition song sounds like! (must sing)

"Time to put your toys away"

"clean up, clean up..."

"get your baby" 

"we are walking..."


I need to put mouthed toys/materials here and then do this process.

What is put in mouthed toy bin and then 3 step process?



When you're having a hard time helping a child calm down OR you're upset in a situation, this phrase helps them/you work through that emotion.

What is "Just Breathe, You're safe, You can handle this."?


This organization will be here to evaluate our accreditation between September 30 and October 11th.

What is NAC?


I am giving a break to someone who is late (even by a minute) coming back from their break.  In that moment, I need to do this.

What is call Sylvia?


Each time I am transitioning a group of children to and from my classroom, these are the 3 steps/responsibilites of the two teachers.

What is a 

1) name to face

2) one teacher in front, one in back

3) last one does a sweep?


When I go to do the dishes, I need to make sure that my assistant teacher need to be in THIS in order for me to go wash dishes? 

What is RATIO?
