Relative Clauses
Passive Voice & Reported Speech
Future Continuous & Future Perfect
Indirect Questions & Tag Questions

Choose ALL the correct answers:

She's the person WHICH/--/THAT I spoke to on the phone.

She's the person --/THAT I spoke to on the phone.


Mary: "I can't swim." --> Mary said she can't swim/couldn't swim/doesn't swim.


Mary: "I can't swim." --> Mary said she couldn't swim.


I need to get my grass cut/to cut/cutted.

I need to get my grass cut.


Don't phone me before 8 o'clock, we will be having/will have had dinner.

Don't phone me before 8 o'clock, we will be having dinner.


INDIRECT - Can you explain why is it/it's so expensive?

TAG - Take care of my house when I am away, do you/aren't I/will you?

INDIRECT - Can you explain why it's so expensive?

TAG - Take care of my house when I am away, will you?


Choose ALL the correct answers:

Remote controls, WHICH/THAT/-- first appeared in 1956, were originally called "space commands."

Remote controls, WHICH first appeared in 1956, were originally called "space commands."

Change this active sentence to passive voice

He has taken the dog for a walk 3 times today. 

--> The dog was taken/has taken/has been taken for a walk 3 times today.

Change this active sentence to passive voice

He has taken the dog for a walk 3 times today. 

--> The dog has been taken for a walk 3 times today.


John is having his house to paint/paint/painted.

John is having his house painted.


Do you think that Sam will be fixing/will have fixed the car by tomorrow?

Do you think that Sam will have fixed the car by tomorrow?


INDIRECT - Can you remember what did she say/what she said?

TAG - I'm right, aren't I/am not I/do I?

INDIRECT - Can you remember what what she said?

TAG - I'm right, aren't I?


Choose ALL the correct answers:

The inventor, --/WHO/THAT some people say is mad, is really a genius.

The inventor, WHO some people say is mad, is really a genius.


REPORTED SPEECH - choose the correct answer

1. Mary "I will eat steak for dinner." --> Mary said (that) she will eat/would eat/is going to eat chocolate.

2. Mary "I am going to go to Long Beach." --> Mary said (that) she is going to go/was going to go/would go to Long Beach.

REPORTED SPEECH - choose the correct answer

1. Mary "I will eat steak for dinner." --> Mary said (that) she would eat chocolate.

2. Mary "I am going to go to Long Beach." --> Mary said (that) was going to go to Long Beach.


Mom got Mark to do/did/do his homework.

Mom got Mark to do his homework.


I'll meet you at the station exit. What will you be wearing/will have worn?

I'll meet you at the station exit. What will you be wearing?


INDIRECT - She asked me where do I come/come I/I come from.

TAG - There has been no rain for the last 5 days, does there/has there/hasn't there?

INDIRECT - She asked me where I come from.

TAG - There has been no rain for the last 5 days, has there?


Choose ALL the correct answers:

1. The classroom, THAT/WHERE/WHICH we leave our bags, is only used by the English department.

2. I know few people THAT/--/WHO are as considerate as she is.

1. The classroom, WHERE we leave our bags, is only used by the English department.

2. I know few people THAT/WHO are as considerate as she is.


REPORTED SPEECH - choose the correct answer

1. Mary "I love chocolate." --> Mary said (that) she loved/loves/is loving chocolate.

2. Mary "I went skiing." --> Mary said (that) she went/had gone/has gone skiing.

REPORTED SPEECH - choose the correct answer

1. Mary "I love chocolate." --> Mary said (that) she loved chocolate.

2. Mary "I went skiing." --> Mary said (that) she had gone skiing.


1. I got my bike sold/sell/to sell.

2. He had his neighbor called/to call/call the police.

1. I got my bike sold.

2. He had his neighbor call the police.


Dad will be waiting/will have waited for you at the airport when you arrive.

Dad will be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive.


INDIRECT - Where is she? --> Do you have any idea how long did it take/took it/it took to do it?

TAG - She goes to school by bus, doesn't she/isn't she/is it?

INDIRECT - Where is she? --> Do you have any idea how long it took to do it?

TAG - She goes to school by bus, doesn't she?


Choose ALL the correct answers:

1. The woman, WHO/WHOSE/THAT dog was stolen, is offering a reward.

2. Have you seen the pencil --/THAT/WHICH I bought yesterday.

1. The woman, WHOSE dog was stolen, is offering a reward.

2. Have you seen the pencil --/THAT I bought yesterday.


Change this active sentence

1. Aunt Molly sent a letter a few hours ago.

--> A letter has been sent/is sent/was sent a few hours ago by aunt Molly

2. Alan has drunk the whole milkshake.

--> The whole milkshake have been drunk/has been drunk/has been drank by Alan.

1. Aunt Molly sent a letter a few hours ago.

--> A letter was sent a few hours ago by aunt Molly

2. Alan has drunk the whole milkshake.

--> The whole milkshake has been drunk by Alan.

1. They got their friend fix/fixed/to fix the fridge.

2. Sandra had her brother to wash/washed/wash her car.

1. They got their friend to fix the fridge.

2. Sandra had her brother to wash/washed/wash her car.

  1. This time tomorrow, we will be sitting/will have sat on the train on our way to Venice.

  2. They will be fixing/will have fixed the air conditioning by the time the delegates arrive.

  • This time tomorrow, we will be sitting on the train on our way to Venice.

  • They will have fixed the air conditioning by the time the delegates arrive.


INDIRECT - Where is she? --> I have no idea where she's/where she is/where is she?

TAG - He is very good at Math, is he/isn't he/is it?

INDIRECT - Where is she? --> I have no idea where she is?

TAG - He is very good at Math, isn't he?
