What is the title for a licensed technician in Colorado?
When was UrgentVet founded?
What is the average temperature range of a healthy dog or cat?
99.5 to 102.5 Fahrenheit
What is the maximum lift limit for 1 person?
40 pounds
What disease is commonly identified under a black light?
Ring Worm
What is the name of the national exam for veterinary technicians?
What does LVL Up 0 have to be completed?
What drug is commonly used to induce vomiting in canines?
What are the 2 parasites are commonly contracted from our pets?
Rounds worms and whip worms
What is the average career length of a veterinary technician?
5 years
Jim Dobies
What PPE needs to be worn when working with Parvo?
Booties, Gown, Double Gloves, Optional Bonnet
What does MSDS stand for?
Material Safety Data Sheet
If potentially exposed to Rabies, what are the steps for treatment?
2. To the ER!
3. Follow through on vaccination protocol
What are the ABCD's of CPR?
Airway, Breaths, Compressions/Cath, Drugs/Doctor
What should be we offering to every client who calls for an exam?
Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What parasite will cause spontaneous abortion in pregnant women if contracted?
What are the 5 things technicians are not allowed to do?
Prescribe, Prognosis, Surgery, Diagnose, Interpret
What are the steps in the UrgentVet flow?
Greet > Check In > RM > History > TPR > Update Experity > Report to DR > Update Experity > Estimate > Treatment > Check Out > Discharge
What should always be included in a patient's history?
Age, Altered Status, What, When, CSVD, EDDUA, Meds, VAX Status, Preventatives, Indoor/Outdoor
What PPE is required for working in radiology?
Lead Gown, Thyroid Shield, Lead Gloves, Dosimetry Badge